Crowd fills Paris’ Place de la Republique in rally against far right ahead of French election

(27 Jun 2024)

Paris – 27 June 2024
1. Various of protesters at Republic Square
2. SOUNDBITE (French) Youssef Elkouch, protester:
"I’m a bit of the typical profile of people who will become a scapegoat — who already are but will be even more so. We have seen it recently with their idea to bar dual nationals from certain strategic state jobs. This is how it starts and then it goes further. The only coherence in the National Rally program is to attack Muslims or immigrants. I’m French but I don’t think that matters to people who vote for them. So there is anxiety on the institutional and political level but also on the level of the population as we have seen in the West when there is a far right government it pushes some people to speak and act openly. "
3. Wide of rally
4. Man holding a flag of leftist party ‘France unbowed’
5. SOUNDBITE (French) Rooh Savar, protester:
"It’s not something we’re going to test and see what happens. There will be a before and an after, particularly when it comes to rights. We are in France, the country of human rights and that is what they want to attack."
6. Mid of flags of leftist union CGT
7. SOUNDBITE (French) Grace Doumba, protester:
"I am a student I came here for high school at 15-16 years old, so now I am on a student visa, so in the current situation if things change, I’m afraid that it will be refused to me and that I won’t be able to finish my studies. This is what stresses me out the most."
8. Various of protest
With just three days until France’s landmark legislative elections, hundreds of Parisians filled the Place de la Republique in a rally against the far right.

Left-wing groups and antiracism and feminist activists rallied to urge voters to keep the anti-immigration Nationally Rally from coming out on top.

"The only coherence in the National Rally program is to attack Muslims or immigrants. I’m French but I don’t think that matters to people who vote for them" said Youssef Elkouch, a protester.

Another protester, Rooh Savar, echoed a similar sentiment, saying: "We are in France, the country of human rights and that is what they want to attack."

The early elections are plunging France into uncharted territory, and political scientists are scrambling to interpret how exactly President Emmanuel Macron and a prime minister who is hostile to most of his policies would share power if Marine Le Pen’s National Rally wins the majority in the National Assembly, France’s lower house of parliament.

The first round will take place on Sunday. The decisive second round is scheduled a week later, on July 7.

The outcome remains uncertain because of a complex voting system and potential alliances.


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News post in July 2, 2024, 9:04 pm.

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