Can France’s far-right National Rally be stopped from winning control of parliament ? | DW News

France’s centrist and left-wing parties are scrambling to block the far-right National Rally from winning control of parliament, after Marine Le Pen’s party came first in the first round of the French legislative elections.

French voters are set to go to the polls again on Sunday, but before then parties will need to decide if they will run candidates against each other in constituencies where doing so risks a win for the National Rally.

The left-wing coaltion known as the New Popular Front has already said it will stand down in areas where Le Pen’s party won the most votes in the first round.

But the right wing Republicans as well as President Emmanuel Macron’s own Ensemble grouping, have been more reluctant to endorse a so-called Republican Front to block the far-right.


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News post in July 2, 2024, 3:04 pm.

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