Statements from Assange’s lawyers in Saipan after deal with US that secures his freedom

(26 Jun 2024)


Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands – 26 June 2024
1. Wide of Jennifer Robinson and Barry Pollack, lawyers for Julian Assange, walking out to speak to press
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Barry Pollack, lawyer for Julian Assange:
"The court today determined that no harm was caused by Mr. Assange’s publications. We know that they were newsworthy. We know that they were quoted by every major media outlet on the planet. And we know that they revealed important information. That is called journalism. The United States prosecuted that. They exposed Mr. Assange to 175 years in prison. That is what has a chilling effect. Today, a decision that it’s time for Mr. Assange to go home – that doesn’t have a chilling effect. The chilling effect is the United States pursuing journalism as a crime. I hope this is the first and last time that ever occurs."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Barry Pollack, lawyer for Julian Assange:
"He has, I think, spurred an important discussion in the United States about how to balance national security and freedom of the press. He has standed by his principles, putting up with the detention in the embassy, incarceration in a high-security prison. I hope that every one of us would have the courage to stand by our ideals the way Mr. Assange has. And so I certainly hope he feels that he has left a powerful legacy. And I am certain that there are other chapters in the Julian Assange story yet to be written."
(Reporter asking question): "Can you tell us how long it took to get this deal? Years? Months?"
Barry Pollack: "62 months in Belmarsh to get this deal. I’m going to turn it over to Jennifer Robinson, Mr. Assange’s Australian and United Kingdom counsel."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Robinson, lawyer for Julian Assange:
"Today is a historic day. It brings to an end 14 years of legal battles. And finally, after 14 years of legal battles, Julian Assange can go home a free man. This also brings to an end a case which has been recognized as the greatest threat to the First Amendment in the 21st century. So it is a huge relief to Julian Assange, to his family, to his friends, to his supporters, and to us, and to everyone who believes in free speech around the world, that he can now return home to Australia and be reunited with his family."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Robinson, lawyer for Julian Assange:
"Today, he pleaded guilty to an offense for having published information in the public interest for which he’s won journalism awards the world over and been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year for the past decade. This sets a dangerous precedent. This prosecution sets a dangerous precedent that should be of concern to journalists everywhere. The U.S. is seeking to exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction over all of you without giving you constitutional free speech protections. And anyone who cares about free speech and democratic accountability should stand against it. But I want to encourage everyone that’s stood up and fought for Julian to continue to stand up and fight against this dangerous precedent. I hope that the fact that we’ve been able to free Julian Assange today, against all the odds and against one of the most powerful governments in the world, will give hope to all journalists and publishers who are imprisoned around the world. And we encourage everyone who’s stood to fight for Julian to continue that fight for him and for all of those others in the hope that we can secure their freedom too."

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