Relatives of Israeli hostage call for meeting with Netanyahu ‘so we can speak with him directly’

(26 Jun 2024)

Tel Aviv – 26 June 2024
1. Wide of families of hostages at news conference
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Orly Gilboa, mother of Daniella Gilboa, Observer, kidnapped from Nahal Oz base:
“We ask Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to meet us, the families, for a personal meeting so we can speak with him directly. So we ask him now to make an appointment with us.”
3. Wide of news conference
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Orly Gilboa, mother of Daniella Gilboa, Observer, kidnapped from Nahal Oz base:
“264 days ago, she was taken into hell and is still enduring terrible conditions and constant threats, starvation and sexual abuse. Daniela is one of 16 women still held in captivity for nine months. Usually, nine months is associated with new beginnings, birth and happiness, but what does nine months mean to women held by monsters? I can’t help and stop the terrible thoughts that I might be a grandmother soon. There is a possibility I’m already one.”
5. Pan from camera to news conference
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Orly Gilboa, mother of Daniella Gilboa, Observer, kidnapped from Nahal Oz base:
“We heard the terrifying tales of women who were released. We saw evidence of what happened on October 7th. We don’t have time. We have to bring Daniela and all other 119 hostages back home now."
7. Cameras
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, father of Corporal Itay Chen, who fell in battle and was taken to Gaza. His body is held by Hamas:
“We heard the last couple of days from Israeli officials that they do not see a realistic option of releasing the remaining 120 hostages through military operations, which even puts more, even more emphasis on the fact that we need a deal.”
9. Sign with photos of hostages, reading (English): "Bring them home now"
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruby Chen, father of Corporal Itay Chen, who fell in battle and was taken to Gaza. His body is held by Hamas:
“What we really need now is Hamas to say yes and we need our Prime Minister not to lose focus, keep his eye on the ball and getting this deal done, because we have no time left.”
11. End of news conference
Families of hostages held in Gaza held a news conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday and asked for an urgent meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The viability of a U.S.-backed proposal to wind down the 8-month-long war in Gaza has been cast into doubt after Netanyahu said he would only be willing to agree to a “partial” cease-fire deal that would not end the war, comments that sparked an uproar from families of hostages held by Hamas.

The families of hostages have grown increasingly impatient with Netanyahu, seeing his apparent reluctance to move ahead on a deal as tainted by political considerations.

A group representing the families condemned Netanyahu’s remarks, which it viewed as an Israeli rejection of the latest cease-fire proposal.

“What we really need now is Hamas to say yes and we need our Prime Minister not to lose focus, keep his eye on the ball and getting this deal done because we have no time left,” said Ruby Chen, father of Corporal Itay Chen, who fell in battle and was taken to Gaza. His body is currently being held by Hamas.

Orly Gilboa, the mother of observer Daniella Gilboa who was kidnapped from Nahal Oz base, said she feared that her daughter is "enduring terrible conditions and constant threats, starvation and sexual abuse."

AP Video shot by Ami Bentov


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