WRAP Annan presents Cyprus plan, plus Turkish and Greek comment

(1 Apr 2004)

1. Various of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan walking into room
2. Pan across delegates
3. Annan seated
4. Media, pans to delegates and Annan seated
5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General (part overlaid with cutaways of various delegates)
"You now have before you a final text reviewed and amended overnight and again today. I have written to each of you a letter outlining the procedure in order for separate simultaneous referenda to be held on both sides in Cyprus on the 24th of April and I hope for a reunited Cyprus to accede to the European Union on the first of May.
6. Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis seated with Greek delegation
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General (part overlaid with cutaways of various delegates)
"This plan is inevitably a compromise. It does not satisfy everyone”s demands, but I believe it meets the core interests and addresses the key concerns of people on both sides. Let me be clear, the choice is not between this settlement plan and some other magical or mythical solution, in reality at this stage the choice is between this settlement or no settlement."
8. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seated with Turkish delegation
9. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General (part overlaid with cutaways of various delegates)
"A federal government would be established together with two constituent states. One with a clearly identifiable Greek Cypriot identity the other distinctly Turkish Cypriot – both largely running their own affairs. The working of the federal government would provide mechanisms to encourage people from both sides to work together. Cyprus would be a full member of the European Union based upon the rule of law, democracy and respect for human rights. No-one says that reunification will be easy, yes, there will be plenty of challenges along the way but the plan gives you a structure that will help you meet them. Yes, it will cost money – though less than is sometimes thought."
10. Wide of delegations
11. SOUNDBITE: (English) Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General (part overlaid with cutaways of various delegates)
"There have been too many missed opportunities in the past, for the sake of all of you and your people I urge you not to make the same mistake again. Let”s us seize the chance for peace in the United Republic of Cyprus. Thank you."
12. Annan seated while delegates applaud, pulls out and pans across delegates applauding
14. Karamanlis at podium for press conference
15. SOUNDBITE: (Greek) Kostas Karamanlis, Greek prime minister
"Unfortunately it proved impossible to reach an agreed solution. It is now up to the people of Cyprus and its political leadership to make the final decision. I am convinced that they will do so with prudence, a sense of responsibility and foresight. In the course of these days, I had the opportunity to meet repeatedly with Mr Erdogan. Our talks confirmed our mutual and sincere intention to improve and strengthen out bilateral relations."
16. Media at press conference
17. SOUNDBITE: (Turkish, with English translation) Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish prime minister
"Let us walk together on the path of peace, started here at Beurgenstock. We are taking the necessary steps together, let us continue taking those steps."
18. Media leaving press conference


United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Kofi Annan presented his blueprint for the reunification of Cyprus Wednesday and set an April 24 date for islanders to vote on the plan.

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