US president Bush radio address

(13 Oct 2001)

1. SOUNDBITE: (English) US President George W Bush (over still of Bush) NOT VERBATIM "Our men and women in uniform are performing as they always do, with skill and courage. And they have achieved the goals of the first phase of our campaign. We have disrupted the terrorist network inside Afghanistan. We have weakened the Taliban’s military. And we have crippled the Taliban’s air defences. American forces dominate the skies over Afghanistan and we will use that dominance to make sure terrorists can no longer freely use Afghanistan as a base of operations. This campaign will not be completed in one attack. Our enemy prefers to attack the helpless. He hides from our soldiers. But we’re making a determined effort to take away his hiding places. The best defence against terrorism is a strong offensive against terrorists. That work continues. I understand that many Americans are feeling uneasy. But all Americans should be assured: We are taking strong precautions, we are vigilant, we are determined, the country is alert, and the great power of the American nation will be felt."


In his weekly radio address, U-S President George W Bush said the war against terrorism was going well and that the battle would continue.

Bush also urged Americans to be calm.

He said the U-S government was taking stringent precautions against terrorist attacks.

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