Latest situation in Kabul

(15 Nov 2001)

1. Wide of street scene of Kabul on Thursday morning
2. Policeman directing traffic
3. Wide of market
4. Boy buying fruit at market stall
5. Various street scenes
6. Various of women
7. Street scene
8. Kite flying
9. Men greeting and embracing
10. Various of troops patrolling streets
11. Shopkeeper urging customers into his shop
12. SOUNDBITE: (Unidentified Language) Vox pop shopkeeper
"Everything is going fine and we feel very safe."
13. Group of men
14. Women with children
15. Wide of street


The Afghan capital Kabul has become a bustling metropolis since the Taliban fled just days ago to avoid an onslaught by Northern Alliance forces.

As the city awoke on Thursday morning, the streets were quickly crowded with pedestrians, cyclists and the familiar yellow taxis.

Market stalls are packed with fruit and fresh vegetables, and the population seemed to be enjoying their first taste of freedom in the capital for several years.

Despite the takeover by the anti-Taliban forces, most women still wore the blue bhurkas or headdress imposed on them by the Taliban.

However kites, once banned under the strict Islamic regime, were flying again over the houses.

Old men embraced and smiled as they greeted each other before going to nearby by cafes.

Shopkeepers encouraged customers to buy goods that had been banned under the Taliban as Northern Alliance troops patrolled the busy thoroughfares.

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