Pipe smoking dogs and plasticine flags: the 2024 Royal Academy summer exhibition ++REPLAY++

(22 Jun 2024)




LENGTH: 6:20

London, UK – 11 June 2024

1. Various of sculpture of torso with poles through it, titled ‘Retrospective study for dramaturgical framework (torso of a youthful athlete’s next move, with elongated armature)’, by Ryan Gander, on display at Royal Academy of Arts’ Summer Exhibition
2. Various of decorated skull, ‘Garden of Eden’, Leigh-Ann Barber Corbett
3. Tilt up of hanging works by artists Jessie French and Shanelle Ueyama
4. Various of ceramic model with model figures inside, ‘London School of Economics Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa Ceiling’, Sir David Chipperfield
5. Wide of various works by Tracey Emin
6. Tilt down of works by Tracey Emin to ‘Deep Tears’, Tracey Emin
7. Close of ‘Deep Tears
8. Low angle of ‘Did it ever Get Any Better’, Tracey Emin
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Axel Rüger, Chief Executive, Royal Academy of Arts:
"This year’s Summer Exhibition it’s in its 256th edition. And as ever, it is, of course, an incredibly wide range of works that we’re showing in the in the exhibition, 1,700, actually, which must be one of the all-time highs almost. And the exhibition, as ever, is, of course, a sort of cross-section of works by artists who have sent the works in. So, more than 16,000 submissions to the show, out of which then a committee of artists selects for this exhibition. And plus our members, the Royal Academicians, also submit to the exhibition. So you really also see works by very, very well-known famous established artists cheek by jowl with artists of whom you may have never heard."

10. Various of ‘Golden Sail’, Sergey Shvetsov
11. Tilt down to heads, ‘People Like Us’, Maureen Brigden
12. Close of ‘People Like Us’
13. Various of fabric figure, ‘If I Knew What I Know Now!’, Chunyoung Yang
14. Wide of paintings
15. Tilt up of ‘Silver Slipper’, by Sir Frank Bowling
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Axel Rüger, Chief Executive, Royal Academy of Arts:
"Do not get panicked in thinking you have to see absolutely everything. Because then you have to come back several times. That will probably take you a week. But let yourself just be freely inspired and only then look up in the little booklet who the work is by, what it is, and also how much it costs, because, of course, the other beauty of the Summer Exhibition is that the works on the wall can actually be yours. After all, they are for sale to benefit the Royal Academy."

17. Various of sculpture ‘Pipe-Smoking Dog’, Laura Ford
18. Wide of artworks
19. Close of Palestinian flag, ‘Plasticine Flag’, John Smith
20. Various of ‘Picture in Picture (Stiletto), Sir Michael Craig-Martin
21. Various of pottery ‘Dancing Queen II’, Elsie Owusu
22. Various of art critic Tabish Khan looking at ‘Conjunction Moscato, Osso’, by the late Joe Tilson
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Tabish Khan, art critic:
"So most exhibitions you’ll go to in places like the Royal Academy of Arts will be tightly curated with a limited number of works. And here there are hundreds of works. In fact, there’s 1,700 works. So there is more works than you can possibly take in in a single visit, which is unlike any other exhibition most people go to. So that means you just have to let your eyes wander, see what works for you, and know that you’ll miss at least half the works. But that’s part of the fun of it."

24. Pan of gallery
25. Various of ‘The Street’, Alice Mara
26. Various of sculpture ‘Sum of Its Parts’, Blackhorse Workshop CIC
27. Various of ‘Art in is All of Us’, Bob and Roberta Smith, hanging on wall behind ‘Sum of Its Parts’

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