Heat wave in Mexico hits country’s most vulnerable

(20 Jun 2024)

Veracruz, Mexico – 16 June 2024
1. Various elderly women resting in a nursing home
2. Nursing home director Maria Teresa Mendoza greeting women
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Maria Teresa Mendoza, director of Cogra nursing home:
“We have been operating for approximately 29 years. It has been very hard. We have never before experienced a heat wave as intense as this one, as strong, as pervasive, as persistent. This heat wave has killed many people here in Veracruz.”
4. Wide of Mendoza speaking to elderly women, UPSOUND (Spanish) “We are going to drink a bit of water. Ok? How are we going to behave? Those are my girls.”
5. Various of women drinking water
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Maria Teresa Mendoza, director of Cogra nursing home:
“When you’re boxed in, human heat accumulates and the heat is very strong. So what happens to the elderly people? They look like chicks. Exhausted. So we need to constantly hydrate them. The fans and the air conditioning here are very important. We help them in stages. Some go to the fan for a bit, then to the A/C, then back to the fans. Like that, nonstop, all day and all night.”
7. Various elderly people resting next to a fan
8. Wide of Joseph Martinez pulling a hose to a water tank
9. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Joseph Martínez, resident of Veracruz:
“There is no water. Let’s see now when the rainy season starts, let’s see if we get some more water.”
10. Wide of Martinez filling up a water tank
11. Close of water pouring out of a hose into a tank
12. Wide of Martinez riding away with the water tank on his motorcycle

Veracruz, Mexico – 17 June 2024
13. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) David Zebadúa Escalante, coordinator of state relief for the Mexican Red Cross in Veracruz:
“In May, the cases (of heat stroke) began, and there were moments in which we had up to 5 cases in a single day. That’s why we had to take certain measures in the ambulances like adding ice packs, cold solutions and cold compresses for the people who suffer from heat stroke."
14. Close of Red Cross Emergency Sign
15. Mid of Zebadua and another medic looking through medical equipment
16. Wide of ambulance leaving clinic
17. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) David Zebadúa Escalante, coordinator of state relief for the Mexican Red Cross in Veracruz:
“We had emergencies in warehouses, in open spaces, in work centers, so not in a specific location. It’s also important to consider the type of clothing, that is not always appropriate. The amount of work and exposure to the sun, that is not always appropriate. Short breaks or hydration breaks (are needed). Also a lack of hydration has made people more vulnerable to heat stroke.”
18. Wide of construction workers
19. Wide of Jorge Misael Rodríguez drinking water
20. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jorge Misael Rodríguez, construction worker:
“One feels pain and feverish, headaches many headaches. And once home, the pain starts. In your shoulders, your back, your arms. It’s very painful. And strong migraines, strong migraines."
21. Various construction workers completing tasks
22. Various aerial shots of construction site near shore ++MUTE++
When the nursing home in southern Mexico began to bake in the country’s ongoing heatwave, staff cycled their elderly residents through the few cooling options they had.

First, some would sit in front of fans buzzing in the sweltering heat of Veracruz. Then they’d be moved in front of the building’s few treasured air conditioning units. Then it was back to the record-breaking temperatures roiling the Veracruz state.

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