A crust above: What makes the perfect Neapolitan pizza?

(19 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 6:30

Naples, Italy – 15 June 2024

1. Various of students and teachers making pizza in school
2. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Antonio Pace, president of True Neapolitan Pizza Association:
“A Neapolitan pizza chef is a pizza chef who uses a Neapolitan method wherever he is in the world and whatever language he speaks. The Neapolitan who uses another method is not a Neapolitan pizza chef, but rather a Neapolitan who makes pizzas.”

3. Various of teacher Gianluca Cigliano teaching students
4. Close of cooked pizza
5. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Gianluca Cigliano, pizza school teacher:
“We start from scratch, from how a real Neapolitan dough is created and we respect the regulations always to remain close to the real Neapolitan pizza up to understanding the elements with which it is composed, the ingredients, and the final fundamental aspect: The oven and the cooking. Hence, at the end of these nine days, they will have acquired the complete procedure, from zero up to the creation of the real Neapolitan pizza.”

6. Close of wood-burning oven interior
7. Close of student’s face
8. Various of student Domenico de Bellis preparing pizza
9. Close of cooked pizza
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Domenico de Bellis, pizza school student:
“I was raised here, so this is what pizza is to me. Therefore, when it’s called ‘Neapolitan Pizza’ and they give me this round disk that’s as hard as a piece of rock with a ton of cheese or the whole fridge of ingredients upon it, it’s not for me.”

11. Various of student Wang Aqiao preparing pizza
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Aqiao, pizza school student:
“I have been making pizza in Australia for the last five years, but I just learned everything by myself online and everything. So, this time I came here to learn the real traditional way to make the real Neapolitan pizza.”

13. Various of pizza chef Paolo Surace wandering through local market, talking to vendors and stopping at food stalls
14. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Paolo Surace, pizza chef:
“Pizza is a disc of dough that is rolled out with two hands with a simple Neapolitan slapping technique. You need a good, peeled tomato, a good buffalo mozzarella and, finally, extra virgin olive oil.”

15. Various of Surace preparing pizza
16. Various aerial shots of Vesuvius +MUTE+
17. Various of tomato field, worker
18. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Giuseppe Napoletano, managing director, Solania:
“San Marzano is not a sweet tomato, it is a sweet and sour tomato that goes well on pizza because on Neapolitan pizza, the classic margherita, you have that sweeter taste of fior di latte or mozzarella and, therefore, the San Marzano tomato, which has a sweet and sour flavor and taste, counterbalances the two flavors, to make pizza a unique dish in the world.”

19. Various of people on streets serving, preparing and eating pizza
20. Various aerial shots of Naples, square, castle, gulf, sea, Vesuvius in background +MUTE+


It’s famous all over the world and boasts a long tradition that goes back three centuries – Neapolitan pizza.

There are many types of pizza around the world, but to Naples’ chefs, they’re merely imitations of their original pizza, born in the city in the 18th century.


Naples is recognized worldwide for its characteristic landscape – the sun, the sea and the domineering Vesuvius in the background.

But it’s pizza that has a special place in the hearts of its inhabitants.

It was created to allow the less well-off to have a quick, inexpensive meal.

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