Prized Bosnian mountain horse breed saved from extinction

(18 Jun 2024)



LENGTH : 6:43

Visoko, Bosnia – 16 June 2024

1. Various of a group of Bosnian Mountain Horses, including foals, grazing in a field

Ajdinovici, Bosnia – 15 June 2024

2. Woman and man opening a horse transportation van
3. Woman brushing a horse inside the van
4. Woman leading the horse out of the van
5. Man riding the horse past the people sitting around picnic tables
6. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Zana Mezbur, chairwoman of the International Association of Bosnian Mountain Horse Breeders:
“Before the war, there had been 300,000 of these horses and now there are only 270. The number is more than disappointing. On top of 270 selectively bread (Bosnian mountain) horses, there are another 400 to 450, certainly not more than 500, of them distributed among individual breeders or living in the wild. But the wild ones are not pure blood, we have no relevant data on them and they have definitely been inbreeding. Thus, the number, the accurate number we have is 270 horses. Still, we consider ourselves lucky for having that many; only 12 years ago there were fewer than 30 of them left.”

7. Various of Mezbur grooming a horse
8. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Zana Mezbur, chairwoman of the International Association of Bosnian Mountain Horse Breeders:
“The way people think about these horses changed, prompting (horse breeders) to do as much as they can, whatever they can, to save the Bosnian Mountain Horse and that is a very costly, time-consuming endeavour that requires a lot of love and care.”

Visoko, Bosnia – 16 June 2024

9. Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder Enver Ziga watching his horses grazing
10. Various of Ziga approaching, patting the horses
11. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Enver Ziga, a Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder:
“We somehow managed to create a resource here, a strong centre that provided stallions for the establishment of several new breeding farms in Bosnia-Herzegovina,”

12. Group of horses grazing
13. Close of a foal
14. Group of horses grazing
15. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Enver Ziga, a Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder:
“My goal to encourage the breeding and increase the number of pure bred (Bosnian Mountain) horses is slowly being realized and the results we’ve achieved so far are fantastic.”

16. Various of a group of horses, including foals, grazing
17. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Enver Ziga, a Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder:
“It is important to me that we have been recognized internationally as people who fight to preserve this indigenous breed, one of only a few in the world that comes from the wild horses, Przewalski and Tarpan, from the steppes (of central Asia) which gives them very specific traits.”

18. Various of group of horses grazing
19. Various of group of horse breeders walking around Ziga’s farm, observing his horses
20. SOUNDBITE (English) Zefanja Vermulen, Dutch breeder of Bosnian Mountain Horses:
“I started with four horses and now a few years later we have 14 horses and this year we had 3 foals births, 3 stallions, young stallions and one of them, yeah, he is a replacement of my old stallion so yes, Bosnian Mountain Horses you can’t take those horses out of my life.”

21. Wide of Bosnian Mountain Horses, including, foals, grazing
22. Azra Bekic, a Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder, patting a foal in the field
23. SOUNDBITE (Bosnian) Azra Bekic, Bosnian Mountain Horse breeder:

Ajdinovici, Bosnia – 15 June 2024

25. Rider and the horse going over a jump, people applauding


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