Nashville court grapples with details on school shooter that were leaked to media

(17 Jun 2024)

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
1. People file into court room

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Davidson County Chancery Court Judge I’Ashea Myles:
"And because I don’t watch the news, I don’t do my own investigation, it’s best that I have the attorneys to come in and really let me know what is going on."
3. Medium of Lora Fox, attorney for the city of Nashville
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Lora Fox, attorney for the city of Nashville:
"The Metropolitan Police Department has been focusing its efforts on finding the source of this leak and the declaration that was filed on Friday morning of Lieutenant Alfredo Arevalo explains what has happened from a MNPD perspective as far as Mr. Davidson having access to these…to this file."
5. Wide of Covenant School parents watching the court proceedings

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Nick Hansen, Covenant School parent:
"It’s been a really hard year. It’s been a very challenging last two weeks. You know, this isn’t something we were expecting to have to face now. You know, we have a court case that we’re going through. But to always have to be aware of what our, our, our kids are experiencing, what they’re seeing, what they’re hearing. It’s really hard to just be on all the time."

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
7. Mid of Rocky King walking to the podium
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Rocky King, attorney for Covenant Presbyterian Church of Nashville:
"And as is becoming more and more apparent, those individuals within the police department or individuals operating around the police department, are thwarting the progression of this case, unfortunately, and an opinion on the merits would hopefully bring clarity of what the next steps are."
9. Medium of Eric Osborne getting up from the table
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Eric Osborne, attorney for parents at The Covenant School:
"These are our materials. We own them. I don’t own everything that has been referenced in the leaks, things that are police reports, you know, I do not claim an ownership of. But it does appear that materials that my clients own have been taken and have been improperly published, Your Honor."
11. Zoom in on attorney Daniel Horwitz

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Daniel Horwitz, attorney representing The Tennessee Star, on the former police officer Garet Davidson:
"I can’t speak to it. I don’t know this officer. I don’t know who my client’s source is. I will never ask. As you all know, it’s a violation of journalistic integrity to divulge a source. So I haven’t asked who he, it, who it is, he or she. He hasn’t told me. My client has not told me. I don’t know, I don’t know anything about this person. I do know that neither my client nor the Tennessee Star violated any court order and did not commit contempt, so I can’t speak to any other individual involved in this case. All I can tell you is that courts should not be in the business of threatening reporters for doing lawful reporting."

Nashville, Tennessee – 17 June 2024
13. Wide of the attorneys in the courtroom
Attorneys fighting over the release of documents involving a 2023 Nashville elementary school shooting pleaded with a judge Monday to finally issue a ruling settling the matter.

Their request took on a more desperate tone amid the recent publication of leaked records about the shooter.

But he said his client, Editor-in-Chief Michael Leahy, did not violate any of the judge’s orders.

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