Lena Dunham sat through hours of makeup to cover her tattoos in new film

(17 Jun 2024)
London – 10 June 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Lena Dunham, actor:
"Obviously her father has a tattoo from the time that he spent in Auschwitz. And so, she wants desperately, I think – I think people can translate it as they want to, but she wants desperately to feel the kind of connection with him that he won’t allow. He won’t tell her about his experience. And so, in a way, the numbers are the only thing that she can share with him. And it was actually really interesting because to do those scenes, I am Jewish and also happened to be covered in tattoos. My grandmother approved and felt that it was a_ my grandmother – my Polish Jewish grandmother felt it was an okay form of self-expression – and that I could be buried near her if I so choose. And so, that was my teenage rebellion. But Ruth would absolutely never be tattooed because of what it meant, the stigma of it in her family. And so, it involved – just to do that little bit of tattooing – involved hours and hours and hours of covering up my own tattoos, and it was the first time I had seen my body without tattoos. And I got my first tattoo when I was 15 – it’s been 25 years, you know. And so that was a really interesting thing, was that to do that moment, we really had to understand it was Ruth’s only tattoo. And so, I had to look at the way that I’ve used tattoos as my own form of self-expression that’s been joyful. But for Ruth, it’s a way to feel close to her father and a way to punish herself, because in a way, she is managing all of this guilt that her parents were exposed to this violence."



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