Campers use paddle boards to escape Vermont heat dome

(18 Jun 2024)

Marshfield, Vermont – 18 Jun 2024
1. Vermont residences, Katie Lanni and Cloe Ashton, pack gear on paddleboats
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Katie Lanni, Camper:
Lanni: "It’s really hot. So we loaded up a bunch of things in our cooler and some camp chairs and a tent. We’re going to go boat and camping for the heatwave.
(Reporter: "And where are we right now?")
Lanni: "At Molly’s Falls Pond State Park."
(Reporter: And you’re going to be. When are you returning?)
Lanni: "Probably Thursday, since that’s the last day. Unless we run out of food and water, which we won’t, because we’re well prepared."
(Reporter: "And you’re bringing a dog as well?")
Lanni: "Two dogs, one on each boat."
3. Chloe Ashton calling dog to board paddle boat
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Cloe Ashton, Camper:
"We’re out here for the next couple days, just trying to beat the heat. Get out of the heat dome. Although, I kind of like it better than all the rain last summer. I’ll take this over 70 days of rain in a row."
5. Vermont residences, Katie Lanni and Cloe Ashton, pack gear on paddleboats
Much of the Midwest and the Northeast is broiling — or set to broil — in extreme summer heat this week.

Vermont residence Katie Lanni and her friend, Cloe Ashton, are planning to escape the heat dome by camping near water at Molly’s Falls Pond State Park.

When asked about her thoughts on the heat dome, Cloe Ashton said, " I kind of like it better than all the rain last summer. I’ll take this over 70 days of rain in a row."

The heat dome will affect a broad swath of the eastern half of the country, from roughly the Great Plains states up through Maine.

Almost 77 million people in the United States were under extreme heat alerts Tuesday.

AP video shot by: Lisa Rathke


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