Slutsky meets Iran’s acting foreign minister in Tehran

(15 Jun 2024)
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++The Associated Press is adhering to Iranian law that stipulates all media are banned from providing BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV and Iran International any coverage from Iran, and under this law if any media violate this ban the Iranian authorities can immediately shut down that organisation in Tehran.++

ASSOCIATED PRESS – No use by BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International
Tehran, Iran – 15 June 2024
1. Various of meeting between head of committee on international affairs of the State Duma Leonid Slutsky, and Iran’s acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani
Chairman of Russia’s State Duma committee on international affairs Leonid Slutsky met with Iran’s acting foreign minister Ali Bagheri Kani on Saturday.

Iranian media were silent about the purpose of Slutsky’s visit and the subject of the talks.

The West has been pressuring Iran over supplying drones to Russia.

The White House last month said Russia is looking to buy additional advanced attack drones from Iran for use in its war against Ukraine after using up most of the 400 drones it had previously purchased from Tehran.

The Biden administration last year publicized satellite imagery and intelligence findings that it said indicated Iran sold hundreds of attack drones to Russia.

For months, officials have said the United States believed Iran was considering selling hundreds of ballistic missiles to Russia, but Washington did not have evidence a deal was consummated.

Iran has said it provided drones to Russia prior to the start of the war, but not since.

AP video shot by Saeed Sarmadi


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