Shortage of animals for Eid sacrifices due to drought in Morocco

(13 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 6:13

Berrechid, Morocco – 9 June 2024

1. Close of a sheep’s mouth being opened by the farmer
2. Mid of Wahid Redouane, sheep farmer in Berrechid, opening the sheep’s mouth to check its teeth
3. Various of sheep
4. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Wahid Redouane, sheep farmer in Berrechid:
"The lack of grass on which the sheep graze forced us to give them fodder, but the price of fodder is very high, and this is what makes some livestock breeders unable to buy it, and thus their livestock do not have anything to eat, and therefore they are unable to give birth to new lambs and females. This leads to a decline in heads of sheep every year. Sometimes, because of this problem, the sheep are unable to breastfeed their newborns."

5. Wide of sheep
6. Sheep breastfeeding its lamb
7. Various of sheep
8. Mid of lambs lying on ground
9. Wide of female sheep
10. Pan of Wahid’s farm
11. Mid of a dog
12. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Wahid Redouane, sheep farmer in Berrechid:
"Due to drought, we are sometimes forced to sell sheep in order to get money to buy fodder for the other remaining sheep. This has caused prices to rise in the market, because we sell a number of sheep in order to control the situation and in order to preserve capital only."

13. Various of sheep
14. Wide of Wahid feeding his sheep, putting hay in its place
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Wahid Redouane, sheep farmer in Berrechid:
"During previous drought years, we received support from the state, which consisted of one or two bags of fodder (60 kg in each bag), regardless of the number of sheep each farmer had. As for this year, we received support equal to 30 bags of fodder."

16. Pan of people entering sheep market in Berrechid
17. Various of sheep market, customers
18. Various of Spanish sheep
19. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Lehcen Ziate, sheep seller in Berrechid:
"Yes, there is a high price for sheep. This is due to the high price of fodder, which exceeds 6 dirhams (0.56 euros) per kilogram. This is what made us sell Spanish sheep, as Moroccans could not manage the high prices of Moroccan sheep during their tours in the markets. That is why they were forced to buy Spanish sheep because their price is reasonable and may reach 67 dirhams (6.27 euros) per kilogram."

20. Wide of Abdelghani Chihab, Berrechid resident, checking some sheep with Lehcen Ziate, sheep seller in Berrechid
21. Wide of the sheep market
22. Mid of banner reading (Arabic)"A farm selling Eid sheep"
23. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abdelghani Chihab, Berrechid resident:
"The atmosphere is different this year. During my tour of the markets in the city of Berrechid, I noticed that prices have risen, but they differ from one market to another and also according to the quality of the sheep."

24. Various of sheep in market

Kenitra, Morocco – 11 June 2024

25. Wide of Mustapha Benramel, environment expert, crossing the street
26. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Mustapha Benramel, environment expert:
"The number of sheep heads in Morocco declined as a result of six consecutive years of drought, and this led to the disappearance of pastures that were the primary resource for livestock breeders to graze, which made them resort first to buying fodder for his livestock, and many of them died."

Berrechid, Morocco – 9 June 2024

27. Various of man sharpening knife
28. Pan of stall selling items for Eid Al-Adha such as BBQ skewers and knives
29. Pan of the market
30. Wide of fruit and vegetable seller



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