Water cannon used on protesters outside Argentina Senate as vote held on state overhaul, tax bills

(12 Jun 2024)

Buenos Aires, Argentina – 12 June 2024
1. Various of police using water cannon on protesters
Protestors and police clashed outside
Argentina’s Congress on Wednesday.

The protests come as Argentina’s Senate began voting on a state overhaul and tax bills proposed by President Javier Milei in the most serious test to date of the libertarian leader’s vision of governance and change.

Police used water cannon to disperse the protesters.

The vote opened after hours of debate.

Thousands of rowdy protesters played trumpets, grilled meat on small barbecues and chanted against Milei as they converged outside Congress in downtown Buenos Aires.

The demonstrators urged senators to reject Milei’s program of harsh austerity and economic deregulation.

Milei rose to power on promises he would solve Argentina’s worst economic crisis in two decades.

But his political party of relative novices holds just a tiny minority of seats in Congress and he has struggled to strike deals with the opposition.

Senators are voting on two bills Wednesday, a tax package that lowers the income tax threshold and a 238-article state reform bill, initially dubbed the “omnibus bill" because of its more than 600 articles.

This watered-down version still delegates broad legislative powers to the president in energy, pensions and security, and includes measures to incentivize investment, deregulate the economy and trim the deficit.

Certain touchy subjects such as unions’ provision of health care and the privatization of Argentina’s national oil company have been scrapped in hopes of reaching a compromise.


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