Parisian portrait studio collaborates with Honor on new smartphone ++EMBARGOED++

(12 Jun 2024)




LENGTH: 6:34

Paris, France – 23 May 2024

1. Various of model posing at Studio Harcourt, a photographic studio renowned for its black and white portraits of celebrities
2. Various of Kostia Petit, photographer, directing model
3. Assistant adjusting lights
4. Close of model
5. Various of Petit taking photographs
6. Close of light
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Kostia Petit, photographer:
"A portrait has to be timeless. Timeless, plus some emotion, whether it’s a sad emotion, happiness or an emotion that you can feel and you can give to be seen by the people. So that’s what makes a good portrait. And after that, it’s a combination between a good light, a good posture and a good feeling of the models, that we can feel him, that he is, I would say not comfortable, but in the present moment, you know what I mean?"

8. Pan from model to Honor 200 Pro smartphone taking her photo
9. Various of photographer taking portrait using Honor 200 Pro
10. Various of Catherine Renard, CEO, Studio Harcourt, walking through gallery, looking at portrait of French footballer Zinedine Zidane
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Catherine Renard, CEO, Studio Harcourt:
"It was the size of the portrait, where do you put the eyes in the portrait. How to play with the light and shadow to make the portrait beautiful. A piece of art, in fact. It’s to give the opportunity for everyone to be able to make a good picture and a picture that can be a piece of art, not only a memory."

12. Various of photographer taking portrait with phone
13. Photographers comparing portrait taken with traditional photographic equipment (left) with portrait taken with smartphone
14. Various of portraits
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Catherine Renard, CEO, Studio Harcourt:
"Without the AI it wouldn’t be possible to do a good picture, because you have to translate the depth of the picture, you have to translate also black and white colour also, and mainly shadow and light. So it’s not very simple. It’s not like an algorithm, it’s not so simple. And it takes a lot of time, an hour and a half to be able to do that. And thanks to the technology of Honor, without them, it wouldn’t be possible."

16. Various of model and team in studio

Los Angeles, US – 10 June 2024
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Ben Wood, Chief Analyst, CCS Insight:
"As smartphones have become more of a kind of homogenous category, differentiating your phone from rivals is a big deal, and what we’re seeing from our consumer research is that the camera is one of the fundamental decision making criteria that people have when they’re looking to get a new phone. And it’s not just the camera on the back of your phone anymore. The selfie camera has become just as important, and that’s becoming an area where we’re seeing manufacturers investing a lot. So we see manufacturers putting better sensors on the front of their devices, cameras that can collect more light, are better in low light conditions, are better in conditions where you might be moving fast, wide angle lenses and even other capabilities like adding in algorithms to things like a beauty shot."

Paris, France – 23 May 2024

18. Various of model and team during portrait shoot
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Catherine Renard, CEO, Studio Harcourt:

20. Photographers comparing portraits
21. Various of portraits
22. Various of exterior of Studio Harcourt premises



At a studio in Paris, a model is posing for her portrait.

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