Colombian teachers on strike over education reform bill

(12 Jun 2024)

Bogota, Colombia – 12 June 2024

1. Various shots of protesters marching through the streets of Bogota
2. Demonstrator holding a sign reading (Spanish) "Quality education is not private education"
3. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Aura Nelly Daza, President of the Teachers’ Union of Bogota:
"We will maintain the strike until we achieve the modification or the sinking of the bill that brings thousands of consequences to public education. It would mean defunding and dismantling state public education."
4. Demonstrator carrying sign reading (Spanish) "We have tolerated in excess. Enough is enough. Without dignified conditions, the strike will continue."
5. Demonstrators carrying a sign reading (Spanish) "The education of the people is not for sale. We will defend it."
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Alexander Hurtado, a teacher from Bogota:
"They intend to generate instability for teachers, because of some articles in the project. That is why we want to sink this reform, or that it be withdrawn by the national government."
7. Various of protest
Colombia’s teachers marked the start of an indefinite national strike with a protest on Wednesday in Bogota.

The educators demand changes or the withdrawal of a bill regulating the country’s education system.

Unions throughout the country replicated the protest in other major cities such as Cali, Cucuta, Medellin, and Pereira.

The teachers oppose, among other things, reforms in the financing of education, which, according to them, would grant public funds to private educational institutions.

They also oppose changing the evaluation of their abilities by including as a criterion the results obtained by students in state tests.

On Wednesday, during a speech in Congress, the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara, called on teachers to dialogue to establish a consensus for a "better course for education."

AP Video shot by Marko Álvarez


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