Hunter Biden is convicted of all 3 charges in federal gun trial, AP explains

(11 Jun 2024)

Wilmington, Delaware – 11 June 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
“A jury convicted Hunter Biden, the president’s son, of all three charges of indictment, after a week long trial here in Wilmington, Delaware. He was charged with two counts of making false statements, convicted on both counts, and a third count of illegal possession of a gun because he was an addict, the jury concluded at the time he purchased the gun, and therefore wasn’t eligible to be purchasing this gun at a gun store here.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
“So the judge didn’t sentence him. That comes in about 120 days or so. They have not scheduled a hearing yet. Hunter Biden is a first time offender, so the sentencing guidelines are likely to be far short of what the maximums are, which is a combined 25 years in prison. He’s likely to get far less than that. However, he put out a statement after the verdict thanking his family and expressing support and saying how grateful he was for their support during his trial that lasted a week. And his attorney has suggested that he will be appealing his decision. Meanwhile, his father, the president, put out a statement saying that he respects the jury’s decision and remains proud of him in his recovery from drugs as a father.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
“Hunter Biden didn’t have much of a reaction, visible reaction to the verdict in the courtroom when it was read. He turned to his family at one point and sort of smiled wanely, and when the jury left the room, he hugged both of his attorneys and thank them and then left the court, that courtroom with his wife by his side, his Aunt Valerie, came to the court after the verdict was read, and she left with him, so did, Jimmy Biden, who was the president’s brother.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
“This is a major victory for the government. They spent three years, at least, roughly three years investigating and prosecuting this case. It comes at a time when his father is in a very- locked in a very competitive battle with the former president, Donald Trump. And it also comes right on the heels of President Trump’s own conviction up in New York City on totally unrelated charges.”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Mike Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
“This is not the end of the story for Hunter Biden, either. He’s got charges pending in Los Angeles for a tax case. And that case is set for trial in September. So he still has more on his plate to deal with heading into the election.”
President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been convicted of all three felony charges in his federal gun trial in Delaware.

Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison when he’s sentenced after being convicted of three felony charges related to the purchase of a gun when, prosecutors argued, he lied on a gun-purchase form by saying he wasn’t illegally using or addicted to drugs.

Hunter Biden patted defense attorney Abbe Lowell on the left shoulder after the judge’s courtroom deputy read aloud the guilty verdict in his federal gun case.

Hunter Biden hugged both of his attorneys and said thank you after the jurors left the courtroom. He smiled wanly at his relatives in the gallery and then hugged and kissed his wife before leaving the courtroom.


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