House Republicans respond to Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial conviction

(11 Jun 2024)
Washington – 11 June 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Elise Stefanik, (R) New York:
“Well, first let’s remember this was Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ that tried to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with outside immunity unrelated to this case. And it was the judge who stepped in to expose that. Today is the first step in delivering accountability for the Biden crime family. We must and we will continue as House Republicans to investigate the Biden crime family.”
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Marc Molinaro, (R) New York:
“I, um, I think that the judge and others, obviously saw, error in the, in the, in the prosecution. I think that, quite frankly, this is a bit of a, of a head fake, but, he ought to be held accountable.”
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Rich McCormick, (R) Georgia:
“I’ll be very curious to see when they, when they schedule the, the actual, sentencing. That will be interesting because then you get to see if they’re going to do it before after it impacts Joe Biden if he gives him a pardon. So, I would like to see that, because I think they’ll be more telling about the Department of Justice and what we think is going to actually happen.”
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, (R) Iowa:
“You know, average, ordinary people, would, would already be in jail for these types of charges. So, I think it’s reassuring to see the criminal justice system work. For those of us who saw the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop of stories related to Hunter Biden prior to the election in 2020, we think that this was a long day in coming. And so, I think that, you know, we’ll see how this plays out. But I will also tell you that I have, you know, great empathy for the Biden family, anybody who is a child, I have children my own, anybody who has children, this is devastating to them. But, there are consequences to criminal behavior and actions. And, you can’t protect your, your children from all those consequences, especially when they’re adults making those decisions. And, you know, the sweetheart deal smacked of corruption. And I think that, people are reassured to see that the criminal justice system has played out with this conclusion.”
President Joe Biden says he will accept the outcome of his son’s criminal case and “will continue to respect the judicial process.”
The president made the statement after jurors convicted Hunter Biden on all three felony charges in his federal gun case in Delaware.
In a written statement following the verdict, Hunter Biden said he was disappointed by the outcome but grateful for the support of family and friends.
On Capitol Hill, Republican members of the House of Representatives weighed in following the verdict.
“Well, first let’s remember this was Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ that tried to negotiate a sweetheart plea deal with outside immunity unrelated to this case. And it was the judge who stepped in to expose that. Today is the first step in delivering accountability for the Biden crime family. We must and we will continue as House Republicans to investigate the Biden crime family,” House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik said.
Rep. Rich McCormick, R-GA, said he was interested in how the sentencing turns out.
Meanwhile, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks says it’s reassuring to see the justice system working.


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