Village women turned rangers guard against Sumatra’s rainforest raiders +REPLAY+

(9 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 3:56

Damaran Baru, Indonesia – 7 May 2024

1. Various of jungle where patrols are led
2. Various of signs in the forest village area
3. Various of women rangers walking through the jungle
4. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger:
“After the flash flood occurred, I completed all the administrative work and then formed the ranger team in 2020, after we received the permission on November 24, 2019.”

5. Various of deforestation in the jungle
6. A male ranger stands in a deforested area in the jungle
7. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger
“The problem was extraordinary. At that time there were lots of encroachers, lots of people illegal logging, taking wood and cutting the wood as they pleased.”

8. Various of jungle plants
10. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger:
“As a woman, what do we want to do? Do we have to be silent, or can we not get involved? This is called humanity. We want to protect this environment with our hearts, because we don’t get paid, because it’s our mission to save, right?”

11. Various of female rangers measuring and writing information down about a tree for GPS markings
12. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger:
“The challenge is that there are still many obstacles and a lack of support from government agencies. So perhaps with support from the government, yes we’ll continue to develop.”

13. Various female rangers walking through the jungle
14. Various female rangers identifying plants in the jungle
15. Various female rangers cataloguing plants in the jungle
16.SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger:
“They support everything from patrol clothing and equipment, shoes to hats, our bags and equipment—we’ve received it all and continue to hold training (sessions).”

17. Various rangers marking a tree with a ribbon warning people not to cut it down
18. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Sumini, Forest Ranger:
“The plan must continue so [deforestation] won’t happen again. The forest will remain green, and the community will be prosperous. The hope is that it will become a sustainable forest for a prosperous community.”

19. Various rangers walk through the jungle during their patrol

A female-led group of forest rangers in Indonesia are defying social norms to lead patrols in the jungle to combat deforestation.

Villagers in Damaran Baru on Sumatra rely on the forest for their livelihoods, it’s one of the richest expanses of tropical rainforest, but this is being abused by raiders of their natural resources.


In a lush jungle at the foothills of a volcano in Aceh, Indonesia, the song of gibbons in the trees mixes with the laughter of the seven forest rangers.

This female led patrol are on the frontline, protecting these beautiful forests and their extraordinary biodiversity from climate change.

They’re all from Damanan Baru, a village which relies heavily on the forest to survive, but this has been threatened by deforestation.

Since they became guardians safeguarding this area, there has been a sharp decrease in deforestation.

The rangers are now sharing their strategies with other women-led groups striving to protect their forests across Indonesia.

This is on the island of Sumatra, itself part of a vast tropical archipelago stretching across the equator.

It’s slowed in recent years, but it still continues.

But unregulated deforestation from irresponsible farming practices have led to disastrous consequences.

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