Annual census of Dalmatian pelicans takes place in Montenegrin national park

(9 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 6:19

Lake Skadar, Montenegro – 03 June 2024

1. Medium of bird protection experts and volunteers travelling on a small rubber boat across Lake Skadar National Park
2. Various tracking shots of vegetation-covered lake surface
3. Medium of Ana Uskokovic on boat at Lake Skadar national park
4. Wide of lake with hills in background
5. Two pelicans flying across the sky
6. Various of flocks of pelicans flying over the lake
7. Wide of Dalmatian pelican sitting on eggs
8. Wide of a stretch of a small island in the lake covered with nesting pelicans
9. SOUNDBITE (Montenegrin) Bojan Zejkovic, Head of Bird Conservation Programme, National Centre for the Study and Protection of Birds of Montenegro (CIZP)
“We know that they are colonial nesting birds, that they congregate in breeding colonies and that they are very sensitive to outside disturbances. Many factors put them in jeopardy which is why we must have certain protection measures for the pelican population. Without human intervention, without the intervention of park rangers, different (animal) protection organizations involved in the (conservation and restauration) efforts over the past 10-15 years, we would have hardly been able to report the number of birds we have today. The population growth is evident, but factors that endanger them have not been completely eliminated and a lot more must be done to fully protect them.”

10. Large number of pelicans nesting on a small island on Lake Skadar
11. A Dalmatian pelican flying in the air, flapping its long wings
12. SOUNDBITE (Montenegrin) Bojan Zejkovic, Head of Bird Conservation Programme, National Centre for the Study and Protection of Birds of Montenegro (CIZP)
“Today we conducted a pelican census (on Lake Skadar), which is part of a regional activity coordinated by our Greek colleagues. Its goal is to count in a single day all the pelicans we find in the area stretching from Montenegro to Greece and Bulgaria. That is the area where they are present now and it is very important to have an annual overview of their population numbers.”

13. Wide of lake surface covered with waterlilies
14. Various of adult pelicans, pelican chicks in nests
15. SOUNDBITE (Montenegrin) Bojan Zejkovic, Head of Programme for Bird Conservation, National Centre for the Study and Protection of Birds of Montenegro (CIZP)
“Their nesting period can take a while; we spotted a few nests with eggs in them. Can you imagine, some birds laid eggs in December and some are laying them now? That is why colonies have mixed population, from unhatched eggs to grown, 2.5 or 3 month old birds.”

16. Medium of two pelican chicks in a nest
17. Close of two pelican chicks and an unhatched egg in a nest
18. Close of two side-by-side nests, one with a juvenile pelican and other with two younger pelican chicks in it
19. Various of conservationists travelling in boat across Lake Skadar
20. Large flock of pelicans flying over lake surface
21. SOUNDBITE (Montenegrin) Ana Uskokovic, Bird Expert, Skadar Lake National Park:
“National park staff work in close coordination not only with CIZP, but also with a range of other NGOs because that how it must be done, we must rely on each other, including on the local population, that is, the people who live here” in the national park.

22. Group riding dinghy along Lake Skadar
23. Various of nesting pelicans
24. Close of two pelican chicks in a nest
25. SOUNDBITE (Montenegrin) Ana Uskokovic, Bird Expert, Skadar Lake National Park:


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