Pilgrims in Pakistan are coached in every aspect of the Hajj experience

(8 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 6.02

Rawalpindi, Pakistan – 4 June 2024

1.Tilt-down of Mosque (UPSOUND) “Allah is great”

Islamabad, Pakistan – 3 June 2024

2. Various of pilgrims reciting Talbiyah a special prayer for Hajj
3. Volunteer teaches Muhammad Sadiq, a British national pilgrim, how to wear Ihram (special clothing worn during Hajj)
4. Sadiq wearing Ihram
5. SOUNBITE: (English) Muhammad Sadiq, British, Pilgrim.
“The reason I came to Pakistan to do Hajj is because its’ cheaper, it’s a third of the price than from the UK, and also it’s a longer Hajj and Mashallah (with the grace of God ), I think going to Hajj from Pakistan its better, the way it facilitated, the way it coordinated seems to really, I am quite impressed to be honest.“

6. Pilgrim being given vaccination and polio drops
7. Dr Amina Tariq signs medical prescriptions for pilgrims
8.Tariq stamps prescription
9.Tariq in office along with a pilgrim
10. SOUNDBITE: (Urdu) Dr Amina Tariq, Medical Officer inside Pilgrims camp
“We are injecting three types of vaccinations (Influenza, Meningitis , Polio) , the purpose is that pilgrim can be protected from diseases when there are pilgrims from different countries. When you do interaction, touching, so you can get germs, so all pilgrims who are going from here, they are receiving preventive vaccinations”.

11. Various of medical staff packing pilgrims’ medicines
12. Various of pilgrims buying accessories from a stall
13. Mid a pilgrim buying umbrella
14. Various of pilgrims fitting free mobile sim cards into their phones
15. SOUNDBITE (Urdu) Noor Muhammad Soomro, Deputy Director, Hajj department
“The Hajj department is providing a free Ufone mobile phone sims to every pilgrim performing Hajj , with free 8 GB data , which can be used only for what’s app calls, and there are 120 free minutes for voice calls anyone who is calling from Pakistan on these numbers will be charged as local call, no roaming charges, All the arrangements in Saudi Arabia is completed, the majority pilgrims have already reached there, and 10 of June is the last day for a Hajj flight from Pakistan.”

16. Various of pilgrims getting their passports and tickets sorted by the airlines at a special office in the Hajj training camp
17. Instructor teaching pilgrims about travel procedures
18. Various of pilgrims listening to lesson
19. SOUNDBITE: (Urdu) Abid Hussain, Trainer
"I think pilgrims can’t perform Hajj in a good way, until they can learn from a training session here. Absolutely, it is a useful training session to (to help them) perform their Hajj obligation. When pilgrims attend these sessions, their basic problems are solved here.”

Rawalpindi, Pakistan – 3 June 2024

20. Wide of Hajj accessories shops in wholesale market in Rawalpindi
21. Various pilgrims buying prayer mates
22. Close left pan of prayers beads
23. Various pilgrim buying Ihram (special clothing worn during Hajj)
24. SOUNDBITE: (Urdu) Arshad Hamza, Shopkeeper
“We sale all items relating to Hajj & Umrah. Mostly our best sellers are Ihram, prayer mats, beads. We have local and imported items, foam prayers mats, thread beads, all variety of Hajj accessories we have.”

25. Various of pilgrims packing their suitcases ahead of their departure

Islamabad, Pakistan – 4 June 2024

26. Pilgrims walking to airport coach with their suitcases
27. A pilgrim hugs his relatives before boarding coach
28. Various of pilgrims getting onto bus
30. Wide bus leaving for airport

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