Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni urges Italian to vote in European elction

(8 Jun 2024)

Rome, Italy – 08 June 2024
1. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni entering polling station and greeting journalists
2. Meloni leaving polling station, UPSOUND: (Italian) Giorgia Meloni, Italian Prime Minister:
"This vote will decide our next five years and therefore it is very, very important to go to vote."
3. Meloni talking to journalists
4. Meloni posing for photograph
5. Meloni leaving by car
6. Various of Meloni voting
Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni cast her vote in European parliamentary elections on Saturday in Rome.

Meloni was among the first to vote, entering her local polling station in her suburban neighbourhood minutes after it opened.

"This vote will decide our next five years and therefore it is very, very important to go to vote," she told journalists after casting her ballot.

Meloni is expected to be the big winner in Italy, reflecting her far-right Brothers of Italy’s growth, mostly at the expense of her coalition partners, the populist, anti-migrant League and the center-right Forza Italia.

While the vote is not expected to affect the balance in the governing coalition, the result could expand Meloni’s influence in the EU, as Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has not ruled out a coalition with her group.

Capitalizing on her popularity, Meloni is running as the preferential candidate, even though she has no intention of taking a European parliamentary seat.

AP video shot by Paolo Lucariello and Veronica Andrea Sauchelli


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