The Jury is dismissed for the day in Hunter Biden’s trial

(7 Jun 2024)

Wilmington, Delaware – 07 Jun 2024
1. Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, depart the federal courthouse
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
"Today’s the fourth day of trial testimony in the case against Hunter Biden here in Wilmington, Delaware. He’s charged with illegally buying a gun and lying on a form when he said he wasn’t a addict, a drug addict at the time he bought the gun in 2018. The jury heard testimony from his daughter, Naomi, who’s a who’s attorney now, a 25 year old attorney. She talked about how she visited her father in California back in 2018, the same time, several months before he bought the gun. And she said testified on direct examination that he seemed good and that maybe the best condition and shape he’s been in since his brother had died in 2015. She told him how proud she was of him, and she related as a pretty positive experience with a father that she didn’t see much of back then because of his drug use."
3. Various of Naomi Biden entering the courthouse with her husband
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
"On cross examination, it was a slightly different tone to her testimony. Naomi Biden recounted seeing her father on a visit to New York City later in 2018, and she remembered getting a text message from him at 2:00 in the morning, asking to meet somewhere where he said he could switch cars, and she, the text messages that were out in court indicated that she was pretty upset. She said, ‘I’m really sorry, dad, I can’t take this. I miss you so much. I just want to hang out with you.’ And it was a pretty emotional scene in the courtroom when when that was read and emotional for her as well it seemed based on her reaction, as she left the courtroom."
5. James Biden with others entering the courthouse
6. STILL, First lady Jill Biden arrives to courthouse
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Michael Kunzelman, The Associated Press:
"Today marked the return of first Lady Jill Biden from France. She had a whirlwind trip to France for the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. And then came back right away to be here today for the start of testimony this morning with her was Joe Biden, President Joe Biden’s brother James, and sister Valerie. And they’re in the courtroom with Hunter Biden’s wife as well. And at the end of the day, the courtroom was a little more empty when the judge announced, somewhat surprisingly, that they were done for the day and will be sending the jury home that didn’t have more witnesses to call. But the trial is going to resume on Monday, potentially with more defense witnesses. We don’t know yet. It could be Hunter Biden, but his lawyer has not told us whether or not he plans to testify before the rest of their case after the rest of the case, the government has a chance to have a rebuttal witness and then they’ll go to closing arguments. And then after closing arguments, the jury can start deliberating."
8. Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, depart the federal courthouse
Hunter Biden’s defense attorney has called Naomi Biden to the stand in his federal gun trial. She is Hunter Biden’s daughter.

Abbe Lowell began calling witnesses Friday after federal prosecutors wrapped up their gun case.

They say the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form when he said he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.

Jurors were sent home and would return Monday.


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