Canadian Prime Minister and UK’s Prince William pay tribute to fallen soldiers and veterans of D-Day

(6 Jun 2024)

Juno Beach, Normandy – 6 June 2024
1. Various of Canadian armed forces parachuting into Juno Beach ahead of ceremony
2. Continuous shot of Canadian Prime Minister, Prince William and French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal arriving for ceremony
3. Flypast of plane over ceremony
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister:
"80 years ago more than 14,000 Canadians landed at Juno beach among the roughly 150,000 Allied forces who came ashore in Normandy. These soldiers had friends and family, they had lives and jobs before the war started. On the battlefield, Francophones, Anglophones, Indigenous peoples and New Canadians came together as one. Brave Canadians like you sacrificed everything for our freedom, there are no words to describe the immensity of the debt we owe you."
5. Cutaway of audience
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister:
"We must all continue to stand up for democracy day in and day out. We owe it to future generations, and we owe it to the great women and men in uniform who sacrificed so much for our collective freedom. Lest we forget."
7. Wide of audience
8. SOUNDBITE (English and French) Prince William:
"Ensuring the memory of those who fought for freedom lives on is why we’ve come together again today, to say thank you. Thank you for our freedom and thank you for your service. Merci por notre liberte et merci pour votre service."
9. Wide of audience
10. Trudeau, Prince William and Attal walking towards the beach followed by officials carrying flowers
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau atteneded a special ceremony Thursday with Prince William and French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The ceremony was held at Juno beach, where 15,000 Canadians fought alongside
British soldiers.

The Allied invasion, which began on June 6, 1944, led to the final defeat of the Nazis and the end of the war.

The assault began with Allied aircraft bombing German defenses in Normandy. This was followed by around 1,200 aircraft carrying airborne troops. As dawn broke, Allied forces began bombing German coastal defenses and vessels began to put troops ashore on five codenamed beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.

By the end of the day, nearly 160,000 Allied troops had landed in Normandy, but not without thousands of casualties.


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