British and US veterans pay tribute at WWII landmark as they mark beginning of Operation Overlord

(5 Jun 2024)

Bénouville, France – 5 June 2024
1. Wide of ceremony by Pegasus Bridge
2. Veterans under tent
3. Veterans listening to speeches
4. Wide of veterans during ceremony by Pegasus Bridge
5. Radio operator Mary Scott watching ceremony
6. Wide of Scott giving speech
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Scott, British veteran, WWII radio operator:
"I was passing messages to the troops – well, not the troops, the signal who was a part of the troops – who were landing on the Normandy beaches. And so I heard everything, I could hear all the background noise, the machine gun fire, cannon, bombs dropping, aircraft, men shouting orders, men screaming. It was horrendous."
8. Various of resident showing Scott pages dedicated to her wartime work with period photos, UPSOUND (English): "Oh, that’s great!"
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Mary Scott, British veteran, WWII radio operator:
"Because it evokes memories of a very special day for me, when I first realised the true horror of war I suppose. And I think, probably, I grew up on that day. So it’s important to come back here. Very emotional but important."
10. Close of veterans
11. Wide of ceremony
13. American Omaha Beach veteran Dick Rung
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Dick Rung, D-Day Omaha Beach veteran:
"Two of the soldiers that got hit – badly hit – we couldn’t save them but we covered them with blankets and the blankets soaked up their blood. Finally, the skipper said, we can’t leave it like this so we got out the fire hose and we washed down the deck and the blood sort of disappeared… I’ve always seen that. I was only a kid and most of the crew was too. I wasn’t trained for this."
15. Rung during interview
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Dick Rung, D-Day Omaha Beach veteran:
"Why do we behave like this as humans? Why do we do this? You know we strut around saying well, "we beat the Germans," but the Germans lost thousands of men and they had families just like me and now we can’t do much about that unless we have some kind of policy but I’m a peacemaker and I’m not going to do this again."
17. Veteran giving speech
18. Woman crying
19. Wide of crowd clapping
20. Wide of crowd outside venue behind hedge
21. Crowd clapping behind hedge
22. Wide of veterans and wartime riveter in Seattle Anna Mae Krier during ceremony
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Anna Mae Krier, wartime riveter in Seattle:
"I built B-17 and B-29 bombers and during, when they show the Normandy beach, us women built all that equipment. The airplanes, the tanks, the ammunition, the landing crafts. American women for Utah beach and Omaha, that was American beaches, but the women in America built all of that and yet they don’t give us any credit."
24. Krier
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Anna Mae Krier, wartime riveter in Seattle:
"Oh yeah, I’m so proud of the role I played during World War II because we built all of the equipment our fighting men needed, whether it was in the South Pacific or in Europe, and I’m just so proud of our young women – we opened doors for the young women today but look what you, women are doing. We’re just so happy to see what you’re doing with your lives. I think that’s great."
26. Pegasus Bridge sign
27. Veteran with companion laying wreath
28. Wreaths
29. Soldiers
30. SOUNDBITE (English) Andy Negra, Battle of Normandy veteran:
31. Wide of piper
32. Wide of pipers on bridge
33. Wide of band and pipers at end of ceremony
Dozens of US and British World War II veterans gathered in Bénouville, France on Wednesday, where gliders landed almost 80 years ago during Operation Overlord.

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