Vigil in Taiwan commemorates anniversary of Tiananmen crackdown

(4 Jun 2024)

Taipei – 4 June 2024
1. Wide of visitors placing electric candle lights on ground during Tiananmen vigil ++NIGHT SHOT++
2. Electric candles forming numbers 8964 referring to year and date of crackdown ++NIGHT SHOT++
3. Various of activists on stage during minute of silence ++NIGHT SHOTS++
4. Visitors during minute of silence ++NIGHT SHOT++
5. Close of electric candle ++NIGHT SHOT++
6. Wide of art exhibition commemorating crackdown
7. Various of visitors viewing art pieces
8. Zoom out of painting of famous tank image
9. Mid of Kacey Wong, exiled Hong Kong artist living in Taiwan, beside his artwork
10. Zoom in on sculpture of goddess of democracy
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Kacey Wong, exiled Hong Kong artist living in Taiwan:
“Right now, globally in many many cities, people from all over the world are commemorating too. It is not about 1989 June 4th. It is about the spirit of the people yearning for freedom and democracy and that is what we are commemorating.”
12. Various of people laying flowers and writing down wishes on poster reading 8964
13. Close of message reading (English) “Free Hong Kong”
14. Close of slogan on T-shirt reading (English): “Liberate Hong Kong”
15. Wide of person signing poster
16. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Leo Chiang, local resident:
“Because they (Chinese government) have done something that even they themselves are ashamed of, shooting at people cannot be forgotten, nor can it be forgiven. They can choose to stop (commemorative activity in China), but as long as other places can still protest, we must continue to protest.”
17. Person singing poster
18. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Lee Chia-bao, exiled Chinese student living in Taiwan:
“Today is the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen incident. At that time, many young people around my age took action for freedom and ideals. So today I must find my own way to commemorate all the predecessors who sacrificed for freedom and democracy at that time.”
19. Mid of person signing poster
20. Flowers in front of poster reading “Commemorate the souls of the Tiananmen massacre”
A vigil was held in Taiwan on Tuesday to commemorate the 35th anniversary of a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.

Attendees laid flowers and candles at the event in the capital Taipei, forming the numbers 8964 to represent June 4, 1989.

A minute’s silence was also held in memory of the victims.

At an art exhibition commemorating the crackdown, exiled Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong said the event held a global significance.

“It is not about June 4th, 1989. It is about the spirit of the people yearning for freedom and democracy and that is what we are commemorating,” he said.

The annual vigils held in Taiwan, a self-governing democratic island that China claims as its own territory, are strictly forbidden inside China.

Checkpoints and rows of police vehicles lined a major road leading to Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on Tuesday as China heightened security on the anniversary.

Hong Kong police took at least two people off the streets as the effort to prevent any public remembrance extended beyond the mainland.

China has long quashed any memory of the crackdown, when the Chinese government ordered in the army to end the months-long protests and uphold Communist rule.

An estimated 180,000 troops and armed police rolled in with tanks and armoured vehicles, and fired into crowds trying to block them as they pushed toward the student-led demonstration on Tiananmen Square.

The death toll remains unknown to this day.

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