New King Charles III bank note displayed at Bank of England museum

(4 Jun 2024)



LENGTH: 5:45

London, UK – 27th February 2024

1. Close of new £5 banknote with portrait of King Charles III
2. Various of new banknotes on display at the Bank of England Museum
3. Wide of banknotes on display
4. Various of Jennifer Adam, Curator at the Bank of England Museum giving a speech at museum
5. Tilt of interior of museum
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Adam, Curator at the Bank of England Museum:
"The new King Charles banknotes will be coming into circulation from the 5th of June, this year. They have the same design as previous banknotes, the same bank character on the reverse. The main difference you’ll notice is the portrait on the front, not just the main portrait on the right hand side of the notes, but the smaller portraits in the see through window on the left hand side of the notes."

7. Various of new banknotes on display at the Bank of England Museum
8. Tilt up of banknotes
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Adam, Curator at the Bank of England Museum:
"They will start to come into circulation from the 5th of June, and it will be a slightly more gradual process than you have noticed from previous issues. More recently, of the £50 or the £20 notes. All four denominations are going to be replaced, and the notes that are coming out will be replacing notes that have been withdrawn from circulation because they’re old and scruffy and worn. So it will be a much more gradual process, but you will start to see them in shops and ATMs from the 5th of June."

10. Close of exhibit of bitcoin
11. Exhibit reading: "Thank you for understanding. We only accept card payments."
12. Exhibit banknote reading (English) "Don’t be fooled. keep Cash Alive."
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Adam, Curator at the Bank of England Museum:
"The future of cash is very much alive. So, there are more banknotes in circulation now than there were in 2020. So people are using them, and they’re very much in demand. Cash is an important choice for many people. Many people prefer to manage their money by using tangible cash that they can see, leaving their wallets. But cash is also an essential choice for many, too. There are 1.1 million adults in the UK who are unbanked, so they do not have a bank account, so they don’t have access to digital financial services. So, cash is an essential choice for many, and the bank is here to support that choice, as long as necessary."

14. Various of new banknotes on display at the Bank of England Museum
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Jennifer Adam, Curator at the Bank of England Museum:
"Banknotes are still hugely important. 1 in 5 people tell us that they prefer to pay by cash."

16. Pan of museum exhibition
17. Mid of banknotes of display
18. Close of banknote
19. Close of coins
20. Close of banknote
21. Gold bar contained in box

Southampton, UK – 23rd February 2024

22. SOUNDBITE (English) Chloë McKenzie, history professor at Northeastern University London:
"I think it would be quite shocking for people. In the past, if we kind of go back 100 years or even 75 years, before Queen Elizabeth’s reign, it was really normal to have coins and notes with multiple monarchs circulating, because if you think we didn’t have quite so many long lived monarchs in the past. "

London, UK – 27th February 2024

23. Person taking a photo of notes
24. Various of old banknotes
25. Old coins on display

Southampton, UK – 23rd February 2024

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