Members of Congress mark 35 years since Tiananmen movement in China

(4 Jun 2024)

Washington – 4 June 2024
1. Various of Rep. Kevin McCarthy walking outside of the the Capitol
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. John Moolenaar, (R) Michigan, Chairman, House Select Committee on the CCP:
“We’re here because 35 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of students and workers gathered in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Joined by millions more across China to demand democracy. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) chose to stamp them out. Crushing calls for freedom under communist tanks.”
3. Various of Rep. Kevin McCarthy walking and speaking with other members of Congress
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. John Moolenaar, (R) Michigan, Chairman, House Select Committee on the CCP:
“For 75 years, the greatest victims of the CCP have been the Chinese people themselves. Tens of millions have lost their lives, with countless more reduced to forced labor.”
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. John Moolenaar, (R) Michigan, Chairman, House Select Committee on the CCP:
“And today, on this 35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square, Congress sends a clear message: We stand with the victims of Tiananmen Square and all those currently facing the oppression of the Chinese Communist Party.”
6. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, (D) Illinois, ranking member, House select committee on the CCP:
“Today, we have to remember that when Chairman XI Jinping says he will, quote, crack down hard on subversion and separatist activities and that he will go up, he will crack down on enemy forces. He’s telling the world that the CCP will send those tanks again against anyone that stands up for freedom, and he will deem his own people enemies of the state.”
7. Wide of event
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emeritus:
“We as Americans must speak out for human rights in China, because if we don’t, because of commercial reasons, we lose all moral authority to speak out about human rights. Any place in the world, this is a test of our resolve.”
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emeritus:
“And just last week, pro-democracy advocates were prosecuted under the CCP’s article 23. In the latest example of their crackdown on rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, they talk about- they talk about one country, two systems. And what they are is one country, one very, very violent system that is getting more so.”
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Rep. Kevin McCarthy, former House Speaker:
“So when this tank moved, he moved. It moved to the left. He moved to the left and (when it) moved to the right, he moved to the right. He had his bags in his hands and he was willing to give his life. And we do not know his name because he did give his life.”
11. Various of Wei Jingsheng, Chinese human rights activist speaking
12. Interpreter for Jingsheng reads translated remarks UPSOUND:
“This is a translation of Wei’s speech. During the last century, there were two major political movements in China and their ideas have been impactful on the rest of the world. The first was a cultural revolution launched by Mao Zedong, chairman of the Chinese Communist Party. His revolutionary idea based on the use of violence coupled with Chinese Communist Party, extreme Marxist ideology have inspired violent evolutions and terrorism around the globe.”
13. Cutaway of banner reading “FREE HONG KONG” and ”REVOLUTION NOW”
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Dan, participant of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest:
15. Pan of event participants

AP video by Nathan Ellgren


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