Spanish and Egyptian FMs meet in Madrid, comment on Mexico’s new president, Gaza

(3 Jun 2024)

Madrid, Spain – 3 June 2024
1. Various of Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry entering posing for photos and shaking hands
2. Albares presents Shoukry to his delegation
3. Shoukry and Albares leaving
4. Shoukry and Albares entering news conference
5. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jose Manuel Albares, Spain’s Foreign Minister:
"The first thing is to emphasise that for the first time a woman is going to be at the head of the presidency of Mexico and that is always something that we applaud and that we welcome from a feminist government such as the Spanish government. Mexico is a great country and a brother country with which we have close, fraternal ties of all kinds, but especially human ones. And of course, we wish her every success. We congratulate both her and the Mexican people."
6. Shoukry and Albares at podiums
7. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jose Manuel Albares, Span’s Foreign Minister:
"That’s why yesterday we were supporting the proposal of (U.S) President (Joe) Biden and the United States. As we have supported all this time the mediation that Egypt together with the United States and Qatar has done because we want an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, we want the unconditional release of the hostages and we want humanitarian aid to be able to enter. In the end, what we want, and that is the joint work for which we join forces with Egypt, we want a lasting peace for all the peoples of the Middle East and we want a future of peace for Palestine and for Israel."
8. Shoukry and Albares at podiums
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sameh Shoukry, Egypt’s Foreign Minister: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"The Israeli military presence in Gaza is certainly not only rejected by Egypt, but also by the vast majority of members of the international community. And on the link between that presence and the Rafah crossing, there is a clear Egyptian position and policy in rejecting the Israeli presence at the Rafah crossing. The Rafah crossing is the only point of contact between the Palestinians and the outside world."
10. Shoukry and Albares at podiums
11. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sameh Shoukry, Egypt’s Foreign Minister: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"We encourage the two parties, Israel and Hamas to accept this plan and the initial statements of Hamas indicate that it received the plan positively. We are now awaiting the response from Israel. And we will continue to communicate and coordinate with the partners, whether it is the United States or Qatar, or European partners and others, to play the role of motivating the two parties to accept this plan. Certainly, the continuation of the war has become unacceptable."
12. Shoukry and Albares at podiums
13. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Sameh Shoukry, Egypt’s Foreign Minister: ++AUDIO AS INCOMING++
"With regard to the Israeli-Egyptian agreement, the peace treaty – the peace treaty has been stable for four decades and it has mechanisms to confront any breaches or violations of its provisions. But it remains a solid base for security and stability in the region, and everyone must consider and take measures in a responsible manner to preserve this important treaty, confirming that this treaty must be respected, and its provisions must be respected. Egypt always enhances its positive effects."
14. Shoukry and Albares at podiums
15. Shoukry and Albares shaking hands before leaving
Spain’s foreign minister on Monday outlined his country full support over a proposed cease-fire in the Gaza Strip detailed by U.S. President Joe Biden.

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