Gay pride revellers in Sao Paulo reclaim Brazil’s national symbols

(2 Jun 2024)

São Paulo, Brazil – 2 June 2024
1. Aerial shot of Pride Parade crowd at the Paulista Avenue ++MUTE++
2. São Paulo Art Museum (MASP) building covered with a LGBT+ flag
3. Performers on stilts wearing a costume that reads (Portuguese) “Don’t kill us”
4. Various of revelers at the parade wearing Brazilian jerseys
5. Osnir Claudiano with his partner
6. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Osnir Claudiano, 59 years old, university teacher:
“A campaign started (to wear the Brazilian team jersey) and we decide to participate to recover its meaning and say that this jersey belongs to all of us and to defend all that we believe, it cannot be associated with just one group, one idea, it belongs to everyone. That’s why we are wearing our jerseys today.”
7. “Mothers for diversity” cheering on top of a sound truck
8. Sound truck with pride flag color balloon arch
9. Women kissing
10. Drag Queen Dafny Delan putting on make up
11. Delan dancing
12. SOUNDBITE (Portuguese) Dafny Delan, Drag Queen:
“This year’s theme ‘enough negligence and regression in the legislative’ is very important. The parade is showing the people (to choose) representatives that care for our agenda, to elect people that create public policies and laws no to give us privileges but to make our rights equal, defending us diligently.”
13. Revelers dancing
14. Aerial shot of Pride Parade crowd at the Paulista Avenue ++MUTE++
The iconic yellow and green of Brazil’s flag mixed with a sea of rainbow-colored tutus, hand fans and drag queen hairdos at Sunday’s LGBTQ+ pride parade in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The annual event along Sao Paulo’s main thoroughfare is among the biggest gay pride celebrations in the world, attracting thousands of people to celebrate the sexual diversity in a country synonymous with street partying but where violence and discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community has surged in recent years.

While apparel is mostly optional, this year organizers made a special appeal for participants to wear green and yellow in a pointed rebuke to far-right followers of former President Jair Bolsonaro, who in recent time appropriated Brazil’s national symbols for themselves.

"We will march this afternoon to take back our flag and to show that Brazil will be better, it will be queer, butch, transvestite,” Erika Hilton, who in 2022 became one of two openly transgender people elected to Brazil’s congress, told a cheering crowd of revelers.

Although Brazil has pioneered LGBTQ+ rights in Latin America — transphobia was made a crime in 2019 — the country still has the largest number of trans and queer people murdered in the world.

In 2023, Brazil was responsible for 31% of all 321 murders of trans and gender diverse people reported murdered worldwide, according to Transgender Europe, which collects data globally. It was the 16th straight year Brazil led the list.

AP video by Masao Goto Filho and Andre Penner


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