Zelenskyy says Russia should feel war is ‘expensive’ in remarks at Singapore defence forum

(2 Jun 2024)

Singapore – 2 June 2024
1. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy walking towards his seat at plenary session
2. Wide of plenary session
3. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine:
"Of course, the issue of (Russian) frozen assets is constantly being discussed with our partners. I believe that Russia should feel – this war is expensive, but it is expensive not only for us, the European continent, not for Africa, Asia because of the blocking of the Black Sea and food supplies, but because they are the aggressors."
4. Various of plenary session
5. SOUNDBITE (Ukrainian) Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine:
"As of today, there are about 300 billion dollars (of Russian frozen assets) in Europe alone. This will not be enough to cover everything Russia has committed in Ukraine, but if the assets are not only frozen in the jurisdiction of the European Union, but also used in Ukraine, immediately Putin’s closest circle and himself will feel that this war is expensive."
6. Wide of Zelenskyy standing up and shaking hands with other speakers
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Sunday that "Russia should feel that the war is expensive" while speaking of the use of Russian frozen assets at the Asia’s premier security conference in Singapore.

"…if the assets are not only frozen in the jurisdiction of the European Union, but also used in Ukraine, immediately (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s closest circle and himself will feel that this war is expensive," Zelenskyy argued.

Last month, finance officials from the Group of Seven rich democracies said they had moved toward agreement on a U.S. proposal to squeeze more money for Ukraine from Russian assets frozen in their countries. But the ministers left a final deal to be worked out ahead of a June summit of national leaders.

In a speech to the security conference, Zelenskyy also urged top defense officials to attend the upcoming talks in Switzerland, saying he was disappointed at the failure of some countries to commit to joining.

He said that China is pressuring other countries and their leaders not to attend the upcoming talks. He did not say which ones.

Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun spoke before Zelenskyy at the Shangri-La conference but he did not appear to be in the room when Zelenskyy made his appeal.

Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had proposals to make at the summit as a basis for peace, addressing nuclear security, food security, the release of prisoners of war and the return of Ukrainian children abducted by Russia.


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