Chinese defence minister accuses US of causing friction in its support of Taiwan and Philippines

(2 Jun 2024)

Singapore – 2 June 2024
1. Wide of Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun and Dr Bastian Giegerich, Director-General and Chief Executive of The International Institute for Strategic Studies, seated on stage
2. Dong walking toward podium
3. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Dong Jun, Chinese Defense Minister:
“We will not allow hegemonism and power politics to undermine the interests of the Asia Pacific countries. We will not allow anyone to bring geopolitical conflicts or any war, whether hot or cold, to our region. We will not allow any country or any force to create conflict and chaos in our region.”
4. Screen showing Giegerich
5. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Dong Jun, Chinese Defense Minister:
“China has exercised great restraint in the face of such infringements and provocations. But there is a limit to our restraint. We hope the individual country could see where its interests lie and return to the right path of dialogue and consultation.”
6. Wide of plenary
7. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Dong Jun, Chinese Defense Minister:
“Because the two militaries (Chinese and U.S.) have differences, there is a greater need for communication. Even though we have different development paths, we should not pursue confrontation with each other. The key (for the two militaries) is to value peace, uphold stability, act in good faith, and find the right way to get along with each other. This will instill more confidence in the world and our region.”
8. Reporter asking question on screen
9. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Dong Jun, Chinese Defense Minister:
“Some external forces keep hollowing out the one-China principle with a salami-slicing strategy. They have cooked up Taiwan-related legislation, continued to sell arms to Taiwan and had illegal official contacts with it. In fact, what they are doing is emboldening Taiwan independence separatists in an attempt to contain China. Such malicious intentions are dragging Taiwan into a dangerous situation.”
10. Wide of plenary
11. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Dong Jun, Chinese Defense Minister:
“The Chinese People’s Liberation Army will remain a strong force for upholding national reunification. We will take resolute actions to curb Taiwan independence and make sure such a plot never succeeds. Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will only end up in self-destruction."
12. Close of screen reading: IISS Welcome to the 21st Asia Security Summit 31 May-2 June 2024, Singapore
13. Dong shaking hands with Giegerich and leaving stage
China would take resolute actions to curb Taiwan’s independence, defense minister Dong Jun said on Sunday during the Asia Security Summit in Singapore.

Dong acknowledged the importance of newly renewed military-to-military communications with the United States as tensions escalate in the Asia-Pacific, while at the same time accusing Washington of causing the friction with its support for Taiwan and the Philippines.

“Because the two militaries (Chinese and U.S.) have differences, there is a greater need for communication. Even though we have different development paths, we should not pursue confrontation with each other.", Dong said.

China has been increasingly assertive in pressing its claim to virtually the entire South China Sea, a key global shipping route, which has led to a growing number of conflicts, most notably with the Philippines, whose ships have been rammed by Chinese vessels and hit with water cannons.

“China has recognized great restraint in the face of such infringements and provocations. But there is a limit to our restraint.” he said.

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