Johannesburg residents react to South Africa’s early election results

(31 May 2024)

Johannesburg, South Africa – 31 May 2024
1. Various street scenes of people walking
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Lebohang Bapela, Johannesburg resident:
"So far I can say I am happy because I saw a lot of youth coming to vote this year, and then they vote for the right reasons this time. I hope each and every youth got satisfied now because they voted for the party that they think is good and is going to do better for us."
3. Various of election posters
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Calvin Madubanya, Johannesburg resident:
"There is no that one party that can react like the MK and the EFF. By the way I am a EFF member for life but I understand the vision of the MK for example, so I stand with both of them because they stand for the same thing at the end of the day."
5. Wide of street scene
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Abbey Monyela, Johannesburg resident:
"I am happy about the result because there’s too much parties. I think the coalition will make things become easy for us."
7. Various of election posters
8. Wide street scene
South Africa was heading closer to the reality of a national coalition government for the first time and a series of complex negotiations to achieve that, as partial election results Friday put the ruling African National Congress well short of a majority.

With more than 65% of votes counted across the country’s nine provinces, the ANC — which has held a majority for 30 years since the end of apartheid — had received just under 42% of the national vote in Wednesday’s election, according to the partial results as counting continued. That represented a huge drop from the 57.5% it received in the last national election in 2019, although there was still some way to go.

Counting of the remaining results is expected to be completed over the weekend with final results slated for Sunday.

Some Johannesburg residents appeared to welcome the early election results, with one woman pointing to a good turnout among younger voters.

Another man reacted to the early results, saying that a coalition would "make things become easy for us."

AP Video shot by Suleiman M Lawal


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