Iran opens registration for the June presidential election after Raisi died in a helicopter crash

(30 May 2024)
RESTRICTION SUMMARY: No use by BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International

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ASSOCIATED PRESS – No use by BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International
Tehran, Iran – 30 May 2024
1. Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s interior minister approaching lectern
2. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Ahmad Vahidi, Iran’s interior minister:
"God willing we’ll see another good and valuable election this round. We hope to see an election befitting (our country), conducted in a pure election atmosphere where everyone observes election moral standards."
3. Iranian flags at centre, "National election headquarters" emblem (right) and "Islamic Republic of Iran – Interior ministry" emblem (left)
4. Interior ministry officials waiting for candidates
5. Mostafa Kavakebian, reformist candidate making victory sign after signing up
6. Close of Kavakebian
7. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mostafa Kavakebian, reformist candidate:
"(My plans are) total removal of sanctions and establishing relations with the whole world, except for the Zionist regime."
8. Picture of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader while voting
9. Election officials
10. Candidate waving to cameras
11. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Reza Sabbaghian, candidate:
"Definitely my first priority is reform in the managerial and political structure."
12. Officials

Iran opened a five-day registration period on Thursday for hopefuls wanting to run in the June 28 presidential election to replace the late Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash earlier this month with seven others.

The election comes as Iran grapples with the aftermath of the May 19 crash, as well as heightened tensions between Tehran and the United States, and protests including those over the 2022 death of Mahsa Amini that have swept the country.

While Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, 85, maintains the final say over all matters of state, presidents in the past have bent the Islamic Republic of Iran toward greater interaction or increased hostility with the West.

The five-day period will see those between the ages of 40 to 75 with at least a master’s degree register as potential candidates.

All candidates ultimately must be approved by Iran’s 12-member Guardian Council, a panel of clerics and jurists ultimately overseen by Khamenei.

That panel has never accepted a woman, for instance, nor anyone calling for radical change within the country’s governance.

AP Video shot by Mohsen Ganji


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