Charming Lebanese town gets visitors despite the war in Gaza and its ripple effect on Lebanon

(29 May 2024)



LENGTH: 3:53

Douma, Lebanon – 27 May 2024
1. Various top views of Douma village
2. A main street
3. Sign showing logos of Douma, the UN Tourism organization and the Best Tourism Villages competition, with text reading (Arabic/English): "O’kfor water source"
4. Various of child filling bottle with fresh water
5. Entrance to the old market in Douma, with Municipal Mayor Assad Issa greeting visitors
6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Assad Issa, the municipal mayor of Douma:
"What made Douma win this international award is in fact a complete package featuring beauty, nature and historical authenticity as it is deeply rooted in history, like I mentioned. Additionally, one can find a very large tourist package in this very small village."

7. Various of tourists checking out Roman sarcophagus that sits in the main square in the village
8. Various of church
9. Gate
10. Bell ringing
11. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Assad Issa, the municipal mayor of Douma:
"The tourist flow is very good, but very few can spend freely from their money due to the economic situation that the Lebanese are experiencing. Because of the ongoing war in Gaza and southern Lebanon, the situation is very difficult. However, we are fighting in our way, meaning we are fighting with our culture, our customs, our traditions and by getting international recognition."

12. Various of stone houses and alleys
13. Various of tourists walking in the old souk or market
14. Various of woman checking out painted glass
15. Various of shoppers checking out wooden sculptures
16. SOUNBITE (Arabic) Jihad Samia, owner of a wooden handicrafts shop:
"Thank God, there is a wonderful turnout. We are honestly surprised. People from all over the world are coming to us. Despite the current circumstances in the country, foreigners are still coming."

17. Various of tourists at a restaurant
18. Visitor taking photo in alley
19. Visitors eating Lebanese traditional flatbread known as manakish
20. Various of woman preparing food by adding topping to dough
21. Various of visitor taking photos
22. SOUNBITE (Arabic) Maya Alomar, visitor in Douma:
"The situation Lebanon is going through, (being affected by) the war in Gaza and all that has not prevented me from coming to Lebanon for tourism. I am very happy here. Tomorrow, I am traveling, but I don’t feel like going back to France."

23. Couple in photo session at Douma’s market
24. Visitors
25. Visitors boarding buses
Nature and design complete one another in the scenic town of Douma in Lebanon, which is drawing tourists from all over the world despite the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.

Charming stone buildings topped with bright orange rooftops sit on the hilltops of this village, creating picturesque scenes fit for a postcard.

Last year, the village was among dozens from around the world that were selected by UN Tourism as the best destinations for tourists.

The United Nations agency said in its announcement on its website in October that the villages it named "excel in nurturing rural areas and preserving landscapes, cultural diversity, local values, and culinary traditions."

"What made Douma win this international award is in fact a complete package featuring beauty, nature and historical authenticity," says Assad Issa, the municipal mayor of Douma.

Tourists can walk through the town’s stone alleys, enjoy the Lebanese traditional flatbread known as manakish or shop for painted glass and wooden handicrafts.

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