Sean Baker hopes Palme d’Or win will reduce stigma of sex workers

(25 May 2024)
Cannes, France, 25 May 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Baker, director:
"You know this has been something I’ve been dreaming about for most of my –no, my entire adult life- – but most of my life and for this to happen it’s surreal. I’m still thinking I’ll wake up any moment. Yeah, I just, what can I say? I don’t know. I am speechless, I’m literally — yeah."
2. Medium of Sean Baker giving an interview
3. Tilt down to show Palme d’Or award, zoom out
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Baker, director – on what the win means for the film:
"I think obviously it’ll help the film. Yeah I hope. And what I’m happy about in that situation is that not only — for two things. No. 1, it will, you know, I think hopefully shine light on the subject, which is, you know, focuses on the stigma that sex workers face. And hopefully it may may open some eyes to that. That’s No. 1. No. 2 is my incredible cast. It’ll help — It’ll help them. it’ll show the world how brilliant they are so that’s how this helps, but also just in general, it’s it’s a Palme d’Or winner now (laughs)."
5. Tilt down on Sean Baker holding his Palm d’Or
Reporter: "How are you going to be celebrating tonight?
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Sean Baker, director:
"The cast and crew who are still in town we’re just going to have a little – a lot of fun and hug and kiss and celebrate and, yeah, and hopefully we’ll be able to speak to all the other wonderful filmmakers. George Lucas is inside and I got a few words with him on stage about how I ripped his film off when I was eight. I made ‘Star Wars’ on Super 8. I called it ‘Space Wars.’ "
7. Cutaway of Karla Sofía Gascón
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Karla Sofía Gascón, actor – on what the win means:
"This award is not for me. It’s for all women in this world, for all trans women too. I think that it has a lot of significance, no? This is a – a new step in the cinema, a new step in the world and maybe we chance."
9. Cutaway of Mohammad Rasoulof
10. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Mohammad Rasoulof, director – responding how he felt when his name was called out.
"Well it’s not really obvious for me to answer because I have mixed feelings because I feel in a quite ambivalent state. On one side of course I’m very happy to see how the film is welcomed here but my heart is still with all the cast and crew, all the people who helped make this film in Iran under pressure and harassed by the intelligence service so it’s hard not to disassociate these two feelings. All I hope is that this warm welcome that we received here yesterday at the screening, today with the recognition of the award and also the audience would be a message of hope and encouragement for all these people who are bravely fighting in Iran to try and practice their art away from censorship."
Reporter: "Obviously you’ve had an amazing journey here. How is the end of this journey going to be?"
Rasoulof: "I don’t see it as an end of a journey. I see it as a beginning of a new start for me to tell all the stories that I have carried with me."
Moments after accepting the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival for his film "Anora," Sean Baker told The Associated Press he was at a loss for words.

"This has been something I’ve been dreaming about for most of my –no, my entire adult life- – but most of my life and for this to happen it’s surreal. I’m still thinking I’ll wake up any moment," he said.

"I ripped his film off when I was eight. I made ‘Star Wars’ on Super 8. I called it ‘Space Wars,’" he laughed.

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