Morocco: One of the world’s oldest universities draws students from thousands of miles away

(24 May 2024)



LENGTH: 4:29

Fez, Morocco – 15 May 2024
1. Al-Qarawiyyin library, one of the world’s oldest libraries
2. Various of students studying in the library
3. Tilt-down on silo of al-Qarawiyyin Mosque
4. Courtyard of mosque
5. Madrassa Seffarine, an Islamic religious school, attached to the University of al-Qarawiyyin, which was founded 12 centuries ago
6. SOUNDBITE (Indonesian) Kamel Tahdhib, 22-year-old freshman at al-Qarawiyyin University,:
"I chose al-Qarawiyyin University because it is one of the oldest universities in the world and because of its widespread fame around the world. I benefited from many things during my studies here at the university, and when I return to Indonesia, I will share all of this with the people there, and expand my experience there."

7. Various of students studying inside hall at Madrassa Seffarine
8. Driss Fassi Fihri, vice-president of al-Qarawiyyin University, reading book in the library
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Driss Fassi Fihri, vice-president al-Qarawiyyin University:
"The University of al-Qarawiyyin today is not very different from modern universities, but it specializes in everything related to Islamic sciences and religious education and research. This is what it specializes in now, even though it was historically a university with specializations in all areas of education."

10. Man washing his face ahead of praying
11. Man praying at mosque
12. Various of tourists at entrance of al-Qarawiyyin Mosque
13. Pan from the center of the old medina to entrance of al-Qarawiyyin library
14. Students speaking with Abdelmajid El Mardi, the imam of al-Qarawiyyin Mosque
15. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abdelmajid El Mardi, Imam of Al-Qarawiyyin mosque:
"The al-Qarawiyyin Mosque has had great benefit over all of the (other) institutions as it was founding stone for this enlightened, open and moderate school of thought, and for preserving Islam in its purity and its open view to others."

16. Student studying in library
17. Various of student studying at hall inside the madrassa
18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Driss Fassi Fihri, vice-president al-Qarawiyyin University:
"The greatest challenge that al-Qarawiyyin University faces now is preserving the authentic scientific basis that has come from the heart and was passed down from generation to the next while at the same time, using all the modern means of technology and keeping up with the times.

19. Various of Madrassa Mohammedia, another religious school attached to the university
20. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Driss Fassi Fihri, vice-president al-Qarawiyyin University:
"The institutions affiliated with al-Qarawiyyin University are all very selective about student admissions. There are special requirements for entry. Some of these institutions require memorizing the entire Quran (Islam’s holy book) and some of these institutions and course (enrollment) require a specific level of Arabic language skills."

21. Various of students in their room studying together
22. Abderrahman Ibn Alzaman, a 20-year-old student, leaving room
23. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Abderrahman Ibn Alzaman, 20 years old student in the 2nd year in Al-Qarawiyyin University, Fez
"The setting here has been good so far. We the students are working hard to get good results in the subjects ahead of the exams."

24. Sign at entrance of the al-Qarawiyyin’s newer library, established in 1359

The university hosts one of the world’s oldest libraries, home to unique Islamic manuscripts treasured by historians.

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