Top UN court declines to issue preliminary orders in Mexico-Ecuador dispute over Quito embassy raid

(23 May 2024)

The Hague, Netherlands – 23 May 2024
1. Wide of Andres Teran Parral, Ecuadorian Ambassador in the Netherlands walking down stairs
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Andres Teran Parral, Ecuadorian Ambassador in the Netherlands:
“The Republic of Ecuador welcomes the unanimous decision of the International Court of Justice not to grant Mexico’s request for provisional measures. The court highlighted, among other things, that Ecuador has given repeated assurances that it would provide full protection and security to the premises, property and archives of the Mexican Embassy in Quito. Ecuador stands by its assurances. And again, we welcome the court’s decision.”
3. Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico:”
The government of Mexico feels very satisfied with today’s decision. First and foremost, the judges of the International Court of Justice ratified and expressed that the inviolability of the diplomatic mission is a cornerstone of the relations between the countries. This is of the utmost importance for Mexico, for Ecuador, for the world entirely, recognizing that there is no exceptions to the inviolability.”
5. Cutaway of Mexican legal team
6. SOUNDBITE(English) Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico:
”I think the first step to advance on this is to have the commitment of Ecuador, this is a good sign. But we would want to see all of the political actors in Ecuador reassuring that an embassy cannot be violated. That’s what we need.”
7. Mid of Mexican legal team
The top United Nations court declined on Thursday to issue an immediate order for Ecuador to protect Mexican diplomatic property following the storming of Mexico’s embassy in Quito to arrest a former vice president.

International Court of Justice President Nawaf Salam said pledges made by Ecuador in a letter to the court and in public hearings last month “encompass the concerns expressed by Mexico” in its request for interim measures.

He said that given Ecuador’s assurances, “the court considers that there is at present no urgency” requiring preliminary orders.

Ecuador’s Ambassador to the Netherlands, Andres Teran Parral, welcomed the court’s ruling.

“The court highlighted, among other things, that Ecuador has given repeated assurances that it would provide full protection and security to the premises, property and archives of the Mexican Embassy in Quito. Ecuador stands by its assurances,” he told reporters at the court.

The April 5 raid, hours after Mexico granted asylum to former Vice President Jorge Glas, drew widespread condemnation in Latin America and ratcheted up tensions that had been brewing between the two countries since Glas, a convicted criminal and fugitive, took refuge at the embassy in December.

Video by Aleks Futurla


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