Israeli FM orders return of ambassadors after Norway, Ireland and Spain announce Palestinian recogni

(22 May 2024)

Paris, France – 22 May 2024
1. Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz and Head of French Senate Gerard Larcher coming out
2. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Israel Katz, Israeli Foreign Minister:
“Regarding a Palestinian State. There are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not, but this is not the place nor the time now to come and unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state, as Norway and Ireland and Spain have done, even contrary to the position of the European Union and contrary to consensus because such things should only be determined through direct negotiations and not in a unilateral way. And any such decision harms Israeli sovereignty and Israeli security and we will not allow it. I ordered to recall our ambassadors back home and we will take all measures to prevent that."
3. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Israel Katz, Israeli Foreign Minister:
“I also told the Foreign Minister at the meeting, and we talked about it here as well, that I expect the French government to make it clear that there is no room for this comparison, it has nothing to do with the powers of the court, it has to do with morals and support and partnership. And that there is no place to come and issue an arrest warrant against a democratic country."
4. Katz leaving
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has ordered Israel’s ambassadors from Ireland and Norway to immediately return to Israel after Norway, Ireland and Spain recognized a Palestinian state in a historic move Wednesday.

Several European Union countries indicated in recent weeks that they plan to make the recognition, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region.

"There are people who support this opinion and there are people who do not, but this is not the place nor the time now to come and unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state, as Norway and Ireland and Spain probably do, even contrary to the position of the European Union and contrary to consensus because such things should only be determined through direct negotiations and not in a unilateral way. And any such decision harms Israeli sovereignty and Israeli security and we will not allow it. I ordered to recall our ambassadors back home and we will take all measures to prevent that," said Katz after meeting French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne in Paris.

Some 140 countries have already recognized a Palestinian state — more than two-thirds of United Nations members — but none of the major Western powers have done so. The move could put more pressure continental heavyweights France and Germany to reconsider their position.

Regarding the ICC prosecutor’s request to arrest Israeli officials, he said that he expects "the French government to make it clear that there is no room for this comparison, it has nothing to do with the powers of the court, it has to do with morals and support and partnership. And that there is no place to come and issue an arrest warrant against a democratic country”.

AP video shot by Nicholas Garriga


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