Crowds gather in Tehran for funeral procession of Raisi and others killed in helicopter crash

(22 May 2024)
RESTRICTION SUMMARY: No use by BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International

++The Associated Press is adhering to Iranian law that stipulates all media are banned from providing BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV and Iran International any coverage from Iran, and under this law if any media violate this ban the Iranian authorities can immediately shut down that organisation in Tehran.++

ASSOCIATED PRESS – No use by BBC Persian, VOA Persian, Manoto TV, Iran International
Tehran – 22 May 2024
1. Aerial of crowds gathered at funeral procession for Iran’s late president Ebrahim Raisi, foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and others killed in a helicopter crash Sunday
2. Truck with caskets driving through crowds
3. Various of crowds and procession
4. Various of funeral procession and crowds
5. Close of crowd
6. Caskets on truck, people throwing items to be blessed
7. Men mourning
8. SOUNDBITE (Farsi) Sohrab Jafari, 58, Tehran resident:
"We are crying for ourselves. So many flag bearers (were lost). A month ago we lost seven or eight people in Syria, these were flag bearers for the system, before them Seyed Razi (Mousavi) and before him Qassem (Soleimani), and now we lost these people. But this blood will strengthen the root of the ruling system and the revolution. But what should we tell our hearts? Our hearts are burning with sorrow. That’s why we are crying."
9. Mourners
10. Truck
11. Rear shot of crowds
12. Mourners holding up pictures of Raisi and Amirabdollahian
13. Men tossing flowers into crowds
14. Man mourning
15. Caskets on vehicle
16. Wide of crowd
Tens of thousands of mourners gathered on Wednesday in Tehran for the funeral procession of Iran’s late president, foreign minister and others killed in a helicopter crash.

The caskets of Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and the others were loaded onto a semi truck trailer to Azadi Square, where he gave speeches in the past.

Crowds threw scarves and other items up for attendants on the truck to touch to the coffins for a blessing.

Earlier, Iran’s supreme leader presided over the funeral of those who were killed in Sunday’s crash.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei held the service at Tehran University, the caskets of the dead draped in Iranian flags with their pictures on them.

On the late President Raisi’s coffin sat a black turban — signifying his direct descent from Islam’s Prophet Muhammad.

In attendance were top leaders of Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, one of the country’s major power centers.

AP video by Mohsen Ganji


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