Analyst on recognition of Palestinian statehood by Norway, Ireland and Spain

(22 May 2024)

London, United Kingdom – 22 May 2024
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
"Going ahead and making this move already is really endorsing Palestinian statehood in a meaningful way. It’s showing symbolic solidarity on the one hand. But, even more importantly, it’s really trying to put pressure on the parties to bring the war to an end. And on (Benjamin) Netanyahu, in particular, to start articulating a longer term vision for Palestine that includes a two-state solution."
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
"For external actors like the states in Europe that made this move today, they are trying to, I want to say, make the conflict a bit more symmetric, if you will, to take away this dynamic of an occupier/occupied and at least have a statehood… status for Palestine to work with. That’s important on the ground for negotiations. And it’s increasingly important in international institutions as well."
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
"Israel has pushed back quite strongly against this recognition. This is something that obviously also came on the tail of the ICC warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant. So it’s a week, I think, for Israel, where Israelis and certainly Israeli leadership feels increasingly isolated, internationally, perhaps ganged up on, internationally, and really feel somewhat backed into a corner."
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
"I do think, these states’ decision regarding statehood., the ICC decision of this week and even the UN General Assembly vote around Palestinian statehood several weeks ago does indicate how much of the world is trying to, maybe not push back, but balance against what has been very strong U.S. influence over the course of this conflict over what many see as the trajectory for Palestine."
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
"And all of this is again mostly in response to the war. And I would underscore that these states and I think the ICC are not making these moves, out of any kind of support for Hamas or, any kind of, you know, ill will towards Israel. But really just trying to say this conflict has caused so much suffering to all sides for so long, we need to do something to push it forward to a viable long-term, two-state solution. And I think that is where the motivations, again, from top down and bottom up processes are mostly coming on this."
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Julie Norman, Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations at UCL:
Norway, Ireland and Spain said Wednesday they would recognize a Palestinian state, a historic but largely symbolic move that further deepens Israel’s isolation more than seven months into its grinding war against Hamas in Gaza.

Israel immediately denounced the decisions and recalled its ambassadors to the three countries.

Palestinian officials welcomed the announcements as an affirmation of their decades-long quest for statehood in east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip — territories Israel seized in the 1967 Mideast war and still controls.


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