Taiwan lawmakers are in dispute on controversial bills

(21 May 2024)

Taipei – 21 May 2024
1. Various of opposition and governing party lawmakers chanting during parliament session
2. Various governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers chanting slogans (Mandarin) "Oppose Congress to expand its power," "Oppose secret consultations," and "Must review bills one by one."
3. Opposition Nationalist party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) lawmakers standing around speaker Han Kuo-yu (center in black suit) and occupying the podium stage
4. Ruling DPP lawmaker holding poster reading (Mandarin) "Review bills"
5. Wide parliament session
6. Close of speaker Han Kuo-yu
7. Various of KMT lawmakers chanting (Mandarin) "Resume meeting, demand parliament reform"
Taiwan’s Parliament on Monday continued voting on controversial bills aimed at reforming the legislative body.

The bills would require the president to give a state of the nation address at the parliament and strengthen lawmakers’ rights.

The opposition alliance lawmakers from Nationalist Party (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) currently hold majority in Parliament.

The KMT has proposed granting the legislature "investigative rights" beyond its current right to access official documents, including convening investigation committees and hearings that can summon people to testify and provide information.

DPP lawmakers were seen holding posters and protesting against the bills during Monday’s session, claiming that the bills were not reviewed line by line in the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee.

AP Video shot by Johnson Lai


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