Kenya building collapses with unknown number trapped

(20 May 2024)

Nairobi – 20 May 2024
1.⁠ ⁠Various of Red Cross personnel and excavator on site of collapsed building
2.⁠ ⁠Muzzle of a police rifle with excavator in background
3.⁠ ⁠Police officer and civilians covering their noses
4.⁠ ⁠Various of excavator removing debris
5.⁠ ⁠People moving to make way for excavator
6.⁠ ⁠Excavator moving around building collapse site
7.⁠ ⁠SOUNDBITE (Kiswahili) Faith Opuko, local resident:
"There might be about 8, 9 or 10 young men, who are trapped in there. So far so good, but the government has totally failed us today. Rescue efforts arrived too late, after five hours with no help."
8.⁠ ⁠Various of Red Cross rescuers and people searching rubble
9.⁠ ⁠SOUNDBITE (Kiswahili) Eugene Atonga, survivor:
"As people were trying to salvage their steel, the building started collapsing. Those who heard shouts of the building going down, quickly got out, but some who were on the upper floors feared jumping and the building caved in with them inside. I saw two people being crushed."
10.⁠ ⁠Various of structure being demolished
11. Red Cross rescuers at the site
Several people remained trapped under the rubble on Monday after a three-story building undergoing demolition collapsed suddenly in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi.

Eyewitnesses said “many” people were trapped after returning to salvage their belongings during a suspension in the works.

"There might be about 8, 9 or 10 young men, who are trapped in there,” local resident Faith Opuko said.

"As people were trying to salvage their steel, the building started collapsing," said survivor Eugene Atonga.

"Those who heard shouts of the building going down, quickly got out, but some who were on the upper floors feared jumping and the building caved in with them inside. I saw two people being crushed."

A Red Cross official said two people were rescued and another two were still trapped.

A local police chief in the area confirmed that only one person was brought out alive.

Authorities have ordered several buildings in the area to be evacuated and demolished after heavy rains that have caused widespread flooding across the country.

The floods are fueled by unusually heavy rainfall during Kenya’s rainy season which starts in March and sometimes extends up to June.

AP video shot by Desmond Tiro and Jackson Njehia


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