Argentina’s president bashes socialism on his arrival in Spain for two day trip

(17 May 2024)

Madrid, Spain – 17 May 2024
1. Various of Argentinian President Javier Milei arriving at a panel at La Razon newspaper to promote his book
2. SOUNDBITE: (Spanish) Javier Milei, President of Argentina:
“Well, we sent about a thousand structural reforms to be announced in two weeks. In two weeks. And I am going to tell you something. They are going to take more or less time, but they are going to come through. And there will be 3,000 more. And all these reforms are aimed at making Argentina the country with the greatest economic freedom in the world, so that in 35 to 40 years, Argentina will be one of the main world powers, as it was at the end of the 19th century."
3. Various of Milei during panel
4. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Javier Milei, President Argentina:
“Because when you become very successful is when the nefarious socialist ideas appear based on envy, on hatred, on resentment, on unequal treatment before the law. And obviously they don’t have any problem killing people either, do they?”
5. Pan of the conference room
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Javier Milei, President Argentina:
“What I’m saying is instead of being so concerned, for the differences that we can have on this side of life, let’s not let the dark, black, satanic, atrocious, dreadful, cancerous side, which is socialism, win. You can (do it).”
7. Wide of the conference room and participants
Argentina’s President Javier Milei renewed his criticism against socialism on Friday as he begun his first visit to Spain.

Speaking at a presentation, hosted by a Madrid newspaper, for the launch of his new book, Milei described socialism as "satanic, atrocious and dreadful".

During a 45-minute talk on his economic views, the Argentinian leader said that he hoped his country would be one of the world’s strongest economies in 35 to 40 years, and boasted of a thousand reforms that he has pushed through in two weeks.

"There will be 3,000 more," Milei said.

Milei is on a short, unofficial visit to Spain, where he will be speaking to business leaders on Saturday, meeting his friend Spanish politician Santiago Abascal in the evening and attending a celebration for VOX, Abascal’s right wing political party.

Relations between Argentina and Spain’s socialist government have been tense, particularly after the Spanish Transport Minister Oscar Puente suggested Milei had used drugs during his election campaign last year.

The governments of both countries have said that the diplomatic spat is now over.

Milei will not be meeting with Pedro Sanchez or King Felipe VI on this visit.


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