Barry Keoghan talks singing, dancing and acting style with ‘Bird’ co-star Franz Rogowski

(17 May 2024)
Cannes – 16 May 2024
1. Various of Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan

Cannes – 17 May 2024
2. SOUNDBITE (English) Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan:
Rogowski: "No we’re not. We don’t really like each other. I mean, we got along for a couple of hours."
Keoghan: "We’ve got the same agent."
Rogowski: "A couple of interviews, and then that’s it."
Keoghan: "I really I’m enjoying this, though, honestly. Like, I know we didn’t do the film together, but, like, I really, dug his performance yesterday, and it’s the first I’m seeing the movie as a whole, but, like, just I was deeply moved by his performances. He’s such—and I said this to Sam, by the way. You can ask him, Sam’s our agent, but he’s such, you’ve such a way of controlling the pace of the scene. Like some things that you do and that you just you can come in and just control it. Dictate it. It’s amazing to watch."
Rogowski: "Well, I think I thought his performance was terrible, and I was shocked to see that he was so good. It’s terrifying and kind of disappointing. I thought I could try and, you know, teach him a lesson but I can’t. He’s incredible."
Keoghan: "My biggest thing, what I love to watch on screen is people listening, and you can see if somebody is acting listening, or if someone is engaged. And again, Franz is just—listening and there and in the moment. It is beautiful."
Rogowski: "If you want to we can also be closer."
Keoghan: "The wind is ruining my hair."
Rogowski: "Would you like me to be closer?"
Keoghan: "You can come over here."

Cannes – 16 May 2024
3. Various of Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan and the cast of ‘Bird’

Cannes – 17 May 2024
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan:
Keoghan: "Yeah, yeah. I mean, for me, it’s every movie and every part I take. I want to, I want to feel a level of spontaneous. I want to feel a level of, not being rehearsed or I don’t want to have a preemptive feeling going in. And and this is perfect. Andrea Arnold is like, there’s not even a script involved. And I’m like, ‘Yes, yes, yes.’ It’s, that’s all a documentary world-ish, all this, it’s just pure truth and it’s surrounded by non-actors. And that elevates you to tell the truth and behave in a certain way and, get vulnerable in a certain way and and truly getting vulnerable. I feel we, we, we reach, reach some places that we, we don’t get to reach, as actors. But yeah, it’s all like, for me, I just want to go in and not know anything and act out of instinct and behave. And, I mean, the rest is kind of for stage, you know, your lines and stuff like that and I’m not saying don’t know your lines. But I just always want to just discover and learn."

Cannes – 16 May 2024
5. Various of Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan and the cast of ‘Bird’

Cannes – 17 May 2024
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan:
Rogowski: "And the first thing she told me was that she sees a naked man standing on a skyscraper. And he has an enormous penis. I was like, ‘Oh, wow. Okay, that’s going to be me.’"
Keoghan: "I remember this. I remember her saying that to me when we had fish and chips, actually in a chip shop in London, and I was like, ‘Wait, is that me?’ She said, ‘No, it’s not you.’ ‘Okay. Well, then, I’m in.’"
(Reporter: "You are not naked this time, for once we’re seeing you with your clothes on. But you do dance and you do sing again, is this now becoming a thing?")

Cannes – 16 May 2024
7. Various of Franz Rogowski and Barry Keoghan and the cast of ‘Bird’

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