Abu Dhabi, once an untapped desert city, sees its first brewery open as UAE relaxes its alcohol laws

(17 May 2024)



LENGTH: 5:31

Abu Dhabi, UAE – 13 May, 2024
1. Various of brewmaster pouring beer
2. Glasses of beer
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Chad Mcgehee, founder of Side Hustle Brews and Spirits and co-founder of Craft:
"I mean having already started a craft brand and was building it as a local brand, we always did it with commas, local, right? The opportunity to take the commas off and make the beer here was first greeted with excitement and then healthy skepticism I would say, can we pull it off? Can we get through? Because, you know, the government had created a regulation around fermentation, but the steps of getting a permit, the steps of inspection, all of these things were not put on paper yet. So that had to be built out as we were going through this process."

4. Various of Mcgehee and Nadeem Selbak speaking at the pub
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Nadeem Selbak, one of the partners:
"To me the idea kind of started with, you know, it’s a missing segment of the market here, where people where I grew up used to go to the brewery on the weekends with the family and enjoy good food and good drinks. So was I surprised? Maybe a little bit, but I was also really excited about it. I think progression in this country is par for the course, they’re always moving things forward."

6. Various of Mitchell Dougherty, brewmaster, pouring barley in the brewing machine
7. Various of barley in the machine
8. Various of Dougherty spraying water on barely
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Mitchell Dougherty, brew master:
"Well, the idea for me was like going back in time, so when I started almost 20 years ago it (brewing) was unknown, when I would go to let’s say a dinner party and say that I made beer for a living or that I was a brewer people didn’t really understand it. Now it’s very common, as you said (the market is) almost oversaturated, where when I started it was almost 800 breweries in the U.S. and now it’s over 8,000. So going back in time when I’m able to really educate people and people are very interested in learning about the products was a very exciting thought for me."

10. Dougherty checking the temperature of the barley
11. Machine showing the temperature
12. Liquid being extracted from barley
13. Various of liquid going through pipe
14. Dougherty pouring beer out of container
15. Dougherty smelling the beer
16. Dougherty testing the beer
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Chad Mcgehee, founder of Side Hustle Brews and Spirits and co-founder of Craft:
"You know we look at our customer set and we talk about what’s different in the breweries around the world, I mean our customer base is very different. So if you look at Abu Dhabi you have people from almost 200 countries, they all have their own definition of what beer is, what craft beer is, or what lager is, or what IPA is. So we’re trying to cater to as many of them as possible. So as you see our tap list it changes every week we get a new beer, every three to four weeks we’re losing old beers. And we’re coming up with something, so we made German beers, we’ve made beers from the Czech Republic for the Czech people, we get ingredients from Czech. We get ingredients from the UK and we make cask ale for that segment. We’re working on Japanese lager right now. We’ve made many American beers. So have to be much more diverse I think than a lot of the breweries in the U.S. have to be because our customer base is so diverse."

18. Various shots in the pub

But beginning in 2020, Abu Dhabi changed its policies.

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