Zambian teen is spreading the word about climate change in sign language

(16 May 2024)



LENGTH: 6:02

Kasama, Zambia – 08 March 2024

1. Various of pupil and sign language interpreter Bridget Chanda putting on her prosthetic legs before school
2. Wide of Bridget fixing her collar on uniform
3. Various of Bridget walking from her boarding house to attend the day’s classes
4. Wide of school teacher during a lesson
5. Wide of Bridget getting her books out of her bag during a lesson
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Bridget Chanda, Sign Language Interpreter and Pupil:
“When I came, it was challenging for me, because by then I never knew sign language. So like it was very difficult for me to communicate with them. But as time goes on, I discovered I just have to know sign language so that I can be helping them in one or two things."

7. Wide of Bridget using sign language to spell “Climate Change”
8. Wide of Bridget and her friend sitting in a classroom and chatting
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Bridget Chanda, Sign Language Interpreter and Pupil:
“Let’s say, for instance, there are some words that I don’t usually manage, like signing them. But if I don’t know, I just spell them cause they know they are here to learn. So if I spell the same thing, they will understand. So there are some words that I do just signing by the other ways that are difficult that I can’t manage signing them. So if I can’t manage, I just spell for them, then they will know what I’m talking about.”

10. Wide of Bridget signing to her deaf classmates during a practical exercise on various forms of irrigation as the teacher speaks through the lesson
11. Mid of Bridget’s classmate poking holes in a empty plastic container
12. Mid of pupil filling the empty plastic container with water
13. Mid of a pupil using a plastic container filled with water to demonstrate the ‘drip irrigation’ method to his classmates
14. Wide of Bridget signing to her classmates to see if they understood the demonstration
15. Wide of climate change activist Elizabeth Motale filling bucket with water
16. Low angle of Elizabeth carrying a bucket of water to vegetable garden and watering plants
17. Mid of Elizabeth watering her lettuce and vegetables
18. SOUNDBITE (English) Elizabeth Motale, Climate Change activist/Agripreneur:
“I deliver these sessions to my community members about climate change. Whenever they faced challenges in terms of rainfall, I taught them on how to reserve water so that they can use [it] at that particular moment.”

19. Wide of Elizabeth and Bridget talking outside the classroom before the start of a lesson
20. Various of Bridget signing to her classmates as Elizabeth delivers a lesson
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Elizabeth Motale, Climate Change activist/Agripreneur:
“I faced some challenges in terms of signing for them, but I have a girl called Bridget who usually helps me when I’m delivering sessions. She usually signs for them.”

22. Wide of Bridget signing to her classmates as Elizabeth delivers a lesson
23. Mid of deaf pupil responding, in sign language, to a question that was asked during the lesson
24. Bridget interpreting verbally UPSOUND (English): Bridget Chanda, Sign Language Interpreter and Pupil:
“So he’s saying about, let’s say, for instance, if you have the land, then you plant whatever you want to plant on that same land. Then you use glasses, you put on top, then you should be using that same water to the same crops that you get. It can grow very well.”

25. Various of lesson
28. Wide of CAFED’s Enterprise Development Manager Helena Chandwe walking in a building

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